Birthday Party Of Investigation

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"Sooooo, You didn't forget your gift, did you Blake?"

"Of course I didn't!"

"Then show me, you woman!"

Ayumi and Blake have been having this fight the whole entire time they were walking to Kevin's birthday party, a friend of theirs who was having his birthday party at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria.


"Come on, it's not gonna hurt anybody!"

"Okay fine, You know how Kevin has been Fangirling over Bonnie la-"

"You got him a Bonnie plushie."

Blake stared at Ayumi in an amazed fashion. "How come your guesses are always correct...?"

Ayumi's face showed a hint of mischievousness  , followed with a wide grin. Her hazel eyes gleamed, almost green in the sunlight. "I'm psychic!" She blurted out, winking at Blake.  "No you're not... you're just good at predicting things." Blake retorted, disbelief clouding his mind.

"Which means I'm psychic!"


"Go google it."


Defeated, Blake sits down on the pavement, exhausted from the arguments. Blake turned his head to the left, only to see...

"Oh look! It's the Pizzeria thingy!" Ayumi managed to say before Blake. She grabbed him by the arm, and started to tug him, pulling him all the way to the entrance of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. Ayumi tried tugging Blake to his feet, but failed, since he was too heavy for her. "Get up, you big potato! We're here!" Ayumi said as she tried putting Blake onto his feet once more. Blake got up, but as soon as he got up, Ayumi kicked the door open, pushing Blake inside. "HADUKEN!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. Blake was greeted by an Animatronic that looked like a chicken.

"Birthday party? or just visiting?"

Ayumi swiftly jumped to Blake's side, and replied, " Take us away to Kevin's birthday party, Chica!"

Toy Chica, lead Ayumi and Blake to a room that said, 'Kevin's Birthday Party!' Above the door. Toy Chica opened the door, and closed the door behind them as they walked in. Inside the room they found Kevin, sitting in a throne, eating pizza.

"Hi guys! Want some pizza?" Kevin said in a cheerful tone, as soon as he saw Blake and Ayumi walk in.

Ayumi was the first one to speak," Uh, no thanks for me. I came here for the cake. Anyways, where's everyone else? Also, where do we put the gifts? AND, final question. Where the hell is the cake?"

Kevin pointed to a box across the room. "Put the gifts in there. My grandma is bringing the cake, and my friend Luke went to the bathroom an hour ago, and never came back. Maybe he has diarrhea? Also, Miranda didn't come yet."

Blake pushed Ayumi aside, yelling, "PIZZA!" As soon as he said pizza, Toy Chica and Chica came in the door, saying,"Pizza?" Blake and Kevin screamed, while Ayumi just facepalmed. Ayumi walked up to both Chicas, and said, "Get back to work, women!" The two Chicas left, and Ayumi turned to Kevin and Blake.

"Blake, we got a mystery to solve!" Ayumi exclaimed, "And no, it's not why the two Chicas came running into here when you yelled pizza." Ayumi grabbed Blake by the arm, and left the birthday party room. Blake and Ayumi walked over to the boy's bathroom, and discussed a plan.

"Okay, so since you're a boy, you investigate the boy's bathroom. I'll sit here until you're done. After that, we'll try and investigate the animatronics. Toy Bonnie first."

Blake headed into the boy's bathroom, while Ayumi stood outside.


 Blake headed into the boy's bathroom, looking for any evidence he could find. Luckily, there was no one in the bathroom currently, giving him the opportunity to look wherever he pleases. While checking the bathroom stalls, he noticed blood on the floor, and what looks like an arm, in the toilet. Blake gasped.

Luke has been murdered.

But by who, exactly?

Blake looked all over the bathroom stall, looking for any evidence he could find to prove the murder, but the only thing there, was Luke's arm, and his spilled blood.

Blake heard a creak.

Blake ran out the boy's bathroom with a grave look on his face.

"Luke's been murdered!" He shouted in Ayumi's face. "I found his arm!"


Ayumi was shocked.

"Is there any other evidence?"

"Nope. Well, atleast nothing I can see."


Ayumi's shocked facial expression turned into a serious one.

"Let's check out Toy Bonnie on the stage." 

Ayumi and Blake opened the doors that led to the room where all the animatronics preform. There Toy Bonnie was, playing some tune on his bold, red electric guitar. His eyes were fixed straight at Blake and Ayumi, as if he was watching their every move. 

So creepy...

Is what Ayumi heard in her mind. She and Blake walked over to Bonnie, and sat down in the seats nearest to the stage.

A Murder at Freddy Fazbear's PizzeriaWhere stories live. Discover now