chapter 32

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(A/n : Get some tissues ready y'all )

No one noticed when suddenly Jessica took the gun from the cops pants and aimed it towards ishan everyone saw that and screamed NOO!!! and BOOM!
everything happened in a span of seconds. They heard the loud thud and a body falling on the floor. Everyone saw the scene in horror.

SHUBI!!!! Everyone screamed and rushed towards shubman who was on the floor with blood oozing out of his chest. Ishan stood there in shock his mind went blank he doesn't know what is happening. Shubman his shubman got shot yes shubman.

Few minutes back

When everyone is relief they didn't saw Jessica taking gun from the police man who was beside her. Shubman, ishan and others were talking and they were about to leave but Jessica pointed the gun towards ishan , everyone saw that and screamed a no but she already pulled the trigger.

Before the bullet can hit ishan shubman immediately came infront of ishan covering him behind his well built body. The speed bullet pierced into his chest which made shubman's whole body shudder in pain and before he can know he was already on the floor with a thud. Everyone rushed to him but ishan was too stunned to react


Ishan heard noises around him but his body is not responding for anything. The images of shubman coming infront of him covering and the bullet piercing in his chest and the him falling down on the floor with blood n-no this isn't happening no shubi was not shot no come on snap back ishan it's not true no no his mind screamed at him telling him that it was real and shubman got shot but his heart is refusing to believe it.

Siraj saw ishan wasn't responding he came to ishan and shaked him ishan..ishan..ISHAN!!! ishan came back into reality hearing siraj loud call. He looked at him in daze

Wh-what bhaiyya?? He asked innocently too confused to understand anything. Siraj broke down into loud sobs seeing ishan like that.

Ishu shubi got s-shot siraj said while crying. Ishan just shook his head. No it's not true. Siraj didn't said anything and dragged ishan to shubman who was now laying on virat's lap. Ishan froze his body shuddered in fear it is true shubman got shot. His eyes turned teary one after one water droplets started flowing from his eyes. He immediately kneedled down infront of shubman

Shubi!! Shubman no no n-noo this can't happen Maan look at me please please please maan please look at me. Ishan was crying hard while patting shubman's cheek lightly and asking him to open his eyes and look at him but shubman was too weak to open his eyes.

Everyone help me get him into bus FAST! Virat yelled crying. His kiddo his lovely kiddo was now in his lap fighting for his life all bloody no no this can't happen kiddo baby please stay strong baba nothing will happen to you.. nush... I'm sorry nush i couldn't protect our kid. He remembered how nush asked him to protect his kids and bring them back safe he promised her they would bring them back safe but now what he will say to nush. He was crying infact everyone is crying hardly too see their kid like that.

With the help of everyone they got shubman in the bus. Shubman's head was on ishan's chest and his whole body was on Virat and Rohit. Shubman's breathing is getting slower by every passing minute. He isn't responding to any of their calls..

Shubi... Please open your please look at me dont do t this shu-bi plea-se ishan pleaded him while the tears are non stop falling. Virat and Rohit also crying.

Lo-ok you don't li-like me crying right se-e i-im crying n-now w-ipe my t-ears like you always d-do shubi pls-ss ishan was hiccuping at this point. Shubman is trying to open his eyes. He opened them slowly looking at ishan. Ishan saw this and cried.

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