♦️5. Unchained The JJK♦️

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"What the fuck is happening, I told you Taehyung stupid fucker

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"What the fuck is happening, I told you Taehyung stupid fucker. Now look what's happening I swear if some horror shit starts with us I will kill you with my bare hands even before those ghosts kill you" Jimin shouts in anger as they were running towards their car. While Mi Young was in Jimin's arms holding on to her Dad tightly she was scared looking at the dark scary sky and upon seeing the dead birds on the ground.

"Jimin I'm sorry I didn't knew it would bring something like this," Taehyung said while running to but Namjoon stood there frozen amid their run.

"Guyz..... I think we fucked up. Look near the car...." Namjoon pointed at the direction his neck sweating that's when the other two received the utmost shock of their life.

The ground was cracked and from that Crack zombie-type horrible monsters started crawling on the surface of the ground from beneath the earth's crust. Their skin was burnt with cuts and horrible faces long monster-like legs and hands. Sharp teeth with black skin had long branch-like hairs.

"Dad I'm scared what are these? Please I'm so scared...." My young began to cry hysterically upon seeing the monsters coming towards them clutching on Jimin's neck.

Jimin began to shuffle in his pants and that's when from his worst band he took out his gun and started firing with his hand on those monsters few were perishing but new monsters were coming out.

"Namjoon shoot them we have to somehow reach inside our car and Taehyung we both will cover till then you get ready to drive the car as fast as you can, okay!" Jimin stated while holding little girl in his one hand and with the other he was firing.

Soon the trio reached the car the monsters were trying to catch them new monsters were increasing. They opened the car doors najoom went beside Taehyung while Jimin put his daughter inside the back seat as he too hopped inside the car. They locked the doors but those monsters were slicked to the car from everywhere. All thanks to Namjoon that the car was bulletproof which had saved them from these monsters.

Taehyung starts the car engine and speeds up the car to the fullest. The monsters were following them but their speed was high which saved them from being followed by the group of monsters.

"I swear we were about to die what the fuck was that seriously," Namjoon said while wiping the sweat from his kerchief.

"They were so horrible I'm sure that was because of that book shit, spell you read out loud Joon," Taehyung said complaining.

"Yes, the same book shit which I told you to not touch Kim fucking Taehyung. I don't know what more this will lead us to. I've my little daughter for fucks sake something could have happened to her do you even realise what you've done? We don't even know if this shit will stop here or.... leave it" Jimin bursts out while hugging Mi Young close to his chest. The little girl was very much scared.

They were almost about to reach their house. That's when the car stopped suddenly smoke coming out of the engine. "What the hell man, the car was fine until now. I will just go and check." Taehyung groaned in annoyance.

"Taehyungah be careful" Jimin said when he saw Taehyung stepping out of the car.

Taehyung stepped out and he began checking the car engine. The dash of the car was up in the front so Namjoon and Jimin couldn't see him properly. He was scanning of what could possibly go wrong with the car that's when his ears perked, Taehyung felt something strange as if he was being watched from behind. He felt shivers run down in his spine as he knew something was behind him.

The moment Taehyung turned around to check with lots of courage he was horrified. Taehyung was frozen he no longer could shout or move from where he was standing. He witnessed a dark black rope-like structure of thorns approaching his direction and the next thing was tears started coming out of his frozen eyes and that weird thing went inside his mouth. Taehyung's body began to burn as his veins started popping out and his eyeballs were no longer black but now it was pitch white. Taehyung had an ominous smirk plastered over his face as he closed the dash with a bang and came inside the car.

"Taehyung man, are you okay?" Namjoon asked.

"Hello there I'm talking to you Tae, answer us" Namjoon asked gain yet no response. Taehyung was just silently driving the car.

"Namjoon it's okay may be he's not in the mood as we blamed him for all this. Let's leave him to himself for now" Jimin said from behind looking at his best friend's silent treatment.

Oh how wrong Jimin was to think that this Taehyung was his best friend. Only if he knew his best friend's soul had been captured by JJK and the one inside Taehyung's body was one of the slave monsters of Jungkook. Unknowingly they've released the Demon Jeon Jungkook through that spiritual mysterious book they've unchained all his evil powers from the curse. Now the JJK was released to do anything who will save Jimin now from his awaiting death?

Namjoon went to tuck Mi Young to sleep while Jimin was making ramen for them along with some leftover pizzas which were being heated up. Taehyung was well the monster who had trapped Taehyung's body was in his bedroom.

All the maids were on leave as they went to picnic they were supposed to come in the morning which led Jimin to do the dinner duty.

I seriously can't understand what is happening around me. First, that night all those things happened I nearly burned myself in the shower now this. No one would even believe us if we tell this to anyone. How come those monsters were after us may be because Namjoon read that spell. Does that mean something will haunt us? No no.... that can't be happening I've my little princess to protect she's the only hope of my life. If something happens to her I can't live. What will I answer if I lose her or let alone if she gets hurt? I can't afford it I've to be very careful from now. But how can I leave her alone now tomorrow I've to start that mission will it be safe to leave her alone in school by herself she must be scared, my poor baby.

If we saw monster ghosts just now does that mean the story of that JJK is it true then? No what nonsense am I even thinking it was because of that shit back. How is it even related to my case stop Jimin stop yourself before you lose your shit completely.

That's when Jimin suddenly heard the dominant scary husky voice of someone echoing in his ears. "It's indeed very true darling".

"What the fuck what was that. Who is it? Come out !!" Jimin shouts getting shocked and nearly tensed.

"Hey, what's wrong I heard you shouting. Are you okay?" Namjoon asked as he came running to Jimin's room.

"Joonie did you hear that noise just now? Someone was in my room" Jimin said while looking everywhere in his room.

"Hey, it must be because of that forest monster's incident. We all were scared ots okay you must have been overwhelmed by that and started hearing things" Namjoon said while patting Jimin's shoulder.

"Yeah, you must be right then...." Jimin replied back scratching at the back of his head.

That's when they heard a shrieking loud voice of my young startling both of them from the dining area. Wasn't the little girl sleeping?

"Dad, Joon uncle !!! Come here oh no... come fast please Dad please!!!"

To be continued........

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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