Chapter 37: River Meets Sea

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"No matter how prepared you are, there is still someone that will drive you to stutter, moreover spill a coffee to yourself"

🌊River Meets Sea🌊


It was all black then suddenly I heard a repeating sound not far from my ears. The sound became louder. It went to the point that I can hear it vibrating inside my head, forcing my eyes to open. I caught my breath, my body gentling when I woke up realizing It was the afternoon. 

The bus hissed; I livened up when it stopped on a parking lot. When I looked outside, I realized we were already home—for home meant the school I go to. Everyone started to unpack. Some only beginning to wake up. 

I walk down the three-step stairs while slowly feeling the air of the capital which was the first disappointment of the day. It was nowhere near smelling breeze of pollination but more like a disease due to pollution. My feet stopped to feel the metropolitan ground. 

I flinched after two arms wrapped around my neck. My whole body tried to repel it even before the big back hug. My shoulders shrugged as if an insect crawled through my neck. Eyes wide gazing to my back. It was Noah. When I faced him he looked surprised too.

I got startled but I wasn't expecting myself to react that much. Maybe because I just woke up a minute ago. 

"Are you okay?" Noah asked and whom I nodded to after.

Sage nudged him and it looked like the nudge was a little bit forced. "Excuse," he said in a low tone. Sage placed his hand on my shoulder, "Let's go home...Mom is waiting somewhere in the parking area." Tori and Noah waved at me and said bye. I waved at them too.

I didn't even get to say bye to Rijo because Sage was rushing to the parking lot while I was being dragged. What's even the rush? The first irritation of the day.


Alas! I returned to my normal academic routine. Although, trainings were added, I began to treat it normal. The first semester is almost over and the exams are coming in by the minute. Fortunately, I was able to comply to most of my missed works. Obviously, no exemptions but I still loved the experience.

As usual, I was in the library, sliding my fingers on the gap of every page, scanning through all the words to understand one topic to another. My right hand was holding a cup of coffee, the casual doppio on every vacant time before another class starts. My next class will be an elective but it'll also be three hours long—I'll be fully wake by then. 

I was in the furthest corner of the library. The air conditioning was releasing cold air directly above my head and the closest person from me is three tables away. But heat waved at me when a person walked past. You know when something small catches your attention? It was like it when I turned my head out of curiosity. 

They were tall, wearing a leather jacket and jeans with black sneakers. He was definitely a he, but on top of that, I noticed his hair, glistening ginger, past the sunlight from the window. He seemed familiar. After a few seconds of realization, I stood up and followed him.

"Hey!" It was more of a shout but I was in a library so I kind of made it a whisper which I bet he didn't hear.

I realized he looked like the one in my dreams. He does not simply look like him, he looks like him, or simply is him. I don't know why I stood up and was following him but it felt like I needed some answers. 

He turned left to the shelves and still I followed him. I looked on the pathways between the bookshelves finding him. I started losing hope at the same time quickly accepting it when he was no longer on my sight. 

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