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Chapter 3: A Dance of Jealousy and Redemption

The moonlight spilled through the curtains, casting a soft glow in the room that held the secrets of 15 years. Hwasa sat by the window, her fingers tracing the outline of a picture frame that contained a captured moment of her and Wheein at a beach, their laughter frozen in time. The room was filled with an unspoken tension, a thick air of emotions that lingered between them.

"Wheein, we can't keep doing this," Hwasa spoke, her voice barely above a whisper. "We've been dancing around each other for years, and it's starting to hurt."

Wheein turned away, her eyes gazing into the distance. "I know, Hyejin. But it's not that simple. There are so many things at stake."

As the words hung in the air, the silence was shattered by the distant sound of laughter. Hwasa's eyes narrowed, and a pang of jealousy shot through her chest. "Who is that, Wheein?"

Wheein's eyes flickered with guilt, "It's just a friend, Hyejin. You know I can't just cut ties with everyone."

Hwasa's frustration bubbled up, "We've been doing this dance for too long, Wheein. I can't watch you with someone else."

With those words, Hwasa stormed out, leaving Wheein alone with the weight of her decisions. The days that followed were a storm of emotions, each passing moment filled with longing and regret.

Weeks went by without a word exchanged between them. The tension in the air was suffocating, and the ache in their hearts was unbearable. Hwasa found solace in the pouring rain, the droplets masking her tears as she walked through the deserted streets. Wheein, on the other hand, sat alone in their shared space, regret clawing at her.

One evening, as the rain continued to fall, Hwasa found herself at their favorite spot – the dimly lit jazz bar. The melancholic tunes mirrored her feelings, and the memories of countless nights spent there with Wheein flooded back.

Wheein entered the bar hesitantly, her eyes searching for Hwasa. The sight of her, sitting alone at their usual table, struck a chord deep within Wheein. As she approached, the room seemed to hold its breath.

Hwasa looked up, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Why are you here, Wheein?"

"I can't stand being without you, Hyejin. I'm sorry," Wheein whispered, her voice breaking.

Hwasa's heart softened at the sincerity in Wheein's eyes. "It hurts, Wheein. Seeing you with someone else, pretending like we don't exist. I can't do it."

Wheein knelt beside Hwasa, her eyes locked onto hers. "You're the only one I've ever loved, Hyejin. I was foolish to think I could hide it."

Tears fell freely as Hwasa pulled Wheein into a tight embrace. "Promise me, no more secrets. No more hiding."

Wheein nodded, her forehead resting against Hwasa's. "I promise, Hyejin. It's always been you."

As the rain continued to pour outside, washing away the pain of the past, Hwasa and Wheein held onto each other, their love stronger than the storm that had threatened to tear them apart. The dance of jealousy and redemption led them back into each other's arms, where they belonged.

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