34. A Helping hand

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Yuzuru had to admit that the last thing he expected from that text was a call.

There was no way he could pretend to be fine over the phone but then again, he had just asked for her help so it was best to just go with it.

"Hello?" He answered the call in a weak voice.

"Yuzuru? Are you alright? You sound weird."

"I... I'm a bit sick."


The worry in her tone made him smile. It was clear to him that she cared about him and he couldn't care less if she said otherwise.

"Just a cold."

"You sound way too out of it to be just a cold."

"Yeah, I think my mom would say the same."

"Where is she? Don't you two live together?"

"Japan. She went earlier since I have nationals in a few days."

If anything, his words only made her worry more.

"You're alone?"


"Do you have a fever?"

Yuzuru was pretty sure he did but just shrugged his shoulders before realizing that she couldn't see him.

"I might?"

He heard a sigh on the other side of the line but he sure as hell didn't expect her to take initiative in this.

"Just text me your address. I will buy some meds and stop by to check on you."

"You don't have to."

His words highly contrasted with his feelings but Yuzuru also felt bad for bothering her.

"It's fine. It's the weekend and I don't have exams next week. If I can help, I will gladly do so."

How he loved to hear those words, even if they left him a bit speechless.
Yuzuru never expected it to be so easy.

"I can text it to you... Thank you."

"Any allergies to meds?"

"Only alcohol, but that's not a medication is it?"

The beautiful sound of her giggles echoed in the line and made him smile. She managed to make him so happy, even when he was sick and just wanted to sleep through the next week.

"No, but that makes a lot of sense, now that you mention it."

"Asthmatic people things" he ended up muttering, completely missing the way her breath stopped when he did.

"You're asthmatic?"

Aria's tone was worried, more than he had ever realized before.

"Yeah... I forgot you didn't know."

"How's your breathing?"



"It's fine, I can breathe... Most of the time."

"You have your inhaler, right?"

"Yes, of course."

"Just make sure you use it if you feel any trouble breathing. I will be there soon."

He enjoyed her concern more than he should. It was clear that Aria wanted him to be okay and would make sure to do anything needed for him to be.

Now in a slightly drowsy state from the fever, Yuzuru couldn't wait to see her. It had been quite a while since they shared the same space and it was only because he got sick that he dared to ask her.

Somehow in that state, he probably fell asleep again, tiredness hitting him harder than he could have ever expected.

He didn't even know how long he slept, the hours at home passing way too slowly. The one thing that ended up waking him up was the insistent noise of the doorbell followed by calls through his Line.


With all the drowsiness, he had almost forgotten that she was coming over for him.

Just as quickly as he realized it, Yuzuru was dragging himself out of bed and heading to the door, shivers running through his whole body as he left the warmth of the covers.

Opening the door, his eyes were instantly graced with her beautiful face, one that he could never get tired of seeing.

Aria seemed even more gorgeous than he remembered and one could even say that it was due to his feverish state but she looked like an angel that came to rescue him.

"You look terrible" was the first thing she said, making him giggle as soon as he somewhat left that state of out-of-worldness.

"Thanks" he muttered before hugging her tight. "I don't want you to get sick but I feel like I owe you a lot for coming over."

"Pretty sure I'm almost immune to the cold now. Let's just get you to bed, you silly man."

Yuzuru quickly realized that there was another side of Aria that he hadn't known until then. A caring and worried side that reminded him of his mother whenever he was sick.

She had a gentleness that was almost impossible to describe, one that he probably couldn't have known if it wasn't for the current situation.

"You're so pretty" he said in the middle of his delusion.

Aria smiled and made him lay on the bed.

"I stopped by the grocery store too. I will make you a soup and tea. You need warm liquids. Have you eaten anything?"

Yuzuru was just staring at her, seemingly lost in her. Eventually, he did manage to gesture no with his head.

"Yesterday, I ate some leftovers."

"Lunch or dinner?"

"Lunch, I think?"

Sighing in frustration, Aria placed a hand on his forehead, caressing softly.

"You need to get some food in your stomach before taking anything. Just rest and I will be back in a bit ok?"

Yuzuru wanted to complain and make her stay but he knew well that Aria was on a mission and there wasn't much that could stop her.

Seemingly noticing his reluctance, the woman caressed his cheek and swiftly kissed his forehead, barely leaving a single second for him to react to such a loving gesture.


"I won't take too long, I promise."

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