49. Mine

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After their little debate about his training clothes, Yuzuru had pretty much just left the bedroom with a naughty smirk on his face, clearly satisfied with the result of his teasing.

Thankfully, just before he left, Aria saw him layer up on his clothing, wearing a tight-fit long sleeve and his Japan Team Gear on top of it.

With promises of seeing each other later, Yuzu left her with a sweet kiss and nerves on high, more for her than him. 

It was just a few minutes later that Saya was entering the room with an excitement that Aria had never seen. She was definitely happy about attending Yuzu's practice and it was adorable to see. Maybe since Aria had never seen her boyfriend skate, the whole idea of being that enthusiastic about a mere preparation for the competition seemed a bit off to her.

Well, Aria would soon be proven otherwise.

The mere arrival at the venue would show her just how many people were already there, watching excitedly as different groups of athletes took the ice. It was inevitable that she searched for Yuzu, curiously looking around on the slippery surface in an attempt to get a glimpse of the man guilty for her presence.

"It's not his turn yet, Yuzu is in the next practice group." Saya quickly said when she noticed the other girl's searching eyes. There was no denying how obvious Aria seemed to be when it came to Yuzu.

Taking a deep breath, she nodded and sat down. Their seats were pretty great, as close to the rink as they could possibly get, making her wonder just how expensive they were. The truth was that she had no idea how much it usually costs to attend a competition, let alone what to expect from each area of the venue.

Looking around, Aria found it curious to see some people holding pooh bears. She really wondered what that was all about but chose against questioning it given the risk of sounding dumb to Saya.

There were a few banners around and there was no denying that her boyfriend was loved. Aria just could have never imagined how much...

Eventually, the ice was cleared of athletes and a few machines entered it, making her raise her brow. If anything, the experience of being in a competition just showed how much she truly didn't know about the sport in general.

Did that make her a bad girlfriend? Did Yuzu find it maddening that she didn't care at all?

"What's going on?" she eventually found the courage to ask, no longer able to withhold her curiosity and ignoring how stupid she might have sounded.

"They are preparing the ice for the next group, smoothing it out, and fixing any holes it might have from the previous athletes."

The truth was that Aria didn't have a single excuse to be afraid to ask questions. Saya was clearly available and willing to tell her everything she wanted.

The sudden screams of a few girls beside them made her jump in her seat.

"What the hell?"

Saya apparently found her reaction hilarious before dutifully clarifying the reason for the reaction.

"There's your boy"

One pointed finger to the rinkside and Aria finally saw him, looking completely focused and ready as he spoke to two very western-looking people that she assumed to be his Canadian coaches. 

From the very first moment he was in her sight, it seemed impossible for her eyes to leave him.

If Aria wasn't already very aware of how completely drawn to him she was, this would be yet another proof of his influence on her.

Well, she wasn't the only one.

The number of people that she heard randomly screaming his name made her eyes roll. In the first moments, it was seriously bothering her, with feelings of jealousy consuming her completely. 

As time gradually passed and she just watched him from the distance, Aria slowly remembered their morning and his words. All these people could do was scream for his attention while she had the chance to touch and enjoy him in private. Maybe it was really stupid to feel jealous.

When the time came for them to enter the ice, Aria's eyes were still on him, carefully watching every move with an intensity in her eyes.

Yuzu glided effortlessly, like everyone else but in her eyes, he was the only one that mattered.

Sure enough, the beginning of the session didn't allow for much understanding of how different each of the athletes was and despite expecting everything to be a bit dull, she actually found the whole thing fascinating.

Then again, it only got better when he decided to remove his Team Japan jacket and reveal the long sleeve he had placed on his body before leaving their room. She was definitely slowly understanding the appeal of watching him skate.

For once, the view of his focused glare was sexy as hell in her eyes, Yuzuru throwing that focused murderous look to anyone ready to challenge him. 

She also had to admit that watching his body go through each of the motions in skintight clothing was a perk that she hadn't anticipated with her jealousy. 

It wasn't even hard to tell why he was so good in her bed. 

Yuzuru was clearly aware of how to show his body lines but most of all, his control over each muscle and inch of his skin made it all even more attractive than she could predict.

Seeing him suddenly jump and rotate tightly in the air shouldn't have been sexy, but there was something about the powerful showcase of his athleticism that made her body shake in anticipation. Aria could never have enough of him.

Sure enough, she wasn't the only one who thought he looked hot and it was clear from the surrounding whispers in the venue, especially when he removed yet another piece of clothing and showed everyone his very tight, very clinging short sleeve.

The thing was, Aria was now more than aware that he was hers, and even if jealousy came easily, no one else in that venue would have him in their beds on that night and you could bet that after he did the run-through to the sound of "Let's go crazy" that she would have him there, pinned and at her mercy.

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