4~First official alone time

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Radhika's Pov

I tried to distract myself from his gaze, and in that affair, I didn't even realize that how much drunk I got.

I looked at my right side, dibba was gazing at the sky, with a very big stupid grin.

"Ayee dibbeee" I called him out.

"Uh-hh hmm" he hmm still grinning at the sky.

"Uhmm w-where is piyuu" I asked him, while looking for her.

he came in his sense and started looking her and there.

I also started looking around, but suddenly it's started to get blurry, I blinked my eyes for a clear vision but still it was all blur blur.

"Dibbaa, I can't s-see properly" I said getting panicked.

He looked at me and shook his head.
I felt him doing something near my nose.

"If you will make, your nose wear them, then what will your eyes wear" he said showing me my specs.

Ohh toh ye chakkar tha
(Ohh so, that was the affair)

I giggled and took my specs from him.

"Umm let's go find her" he said getting up from his chair.

I looked at the beer bottle in the left and took it with me, I was about to follow Dibba, my eyes cached a really interesting thing, it was a cute little kitchen, Hehe I will keep it.

then I run behind him.

"Piy-aa" I heard Athrav calling someone out.

I tapped his shoulder and he looked at me, I narrowed my eyes and ask.

"Whom are you c-calling?" I asked him while keeping my hand on his shoulder, to stable my poor self.

For some second, he look at me blankly, then scratched his head in confusion.

"P-Piya?" I just stare at him.... and smacked his head hard.

"Ah-uh, why?"

"Her n-name is P-Preeti you duffer" I said getting myself puzzled.

"Uh-ohh okay," and we again  started roaming here and there in search of her.

We both were awfully silent for a while, and I was feeling like floating in the sky, ...... ha-ha can we even float in the sky? I didn't even know how to swim,

I looked up at the sky and saw something interesting.

Uhh, what is that...I came forward and stared to observe the sky.

"Dibbe, dibbe dibbeee, why there is a ball in the sky?" I asked him while shouting loudly.

He looked at me, and felt sting pain on my forehead, He hitted me.

"Kyuu?" I asked while rubbing my forehead.

"That's not a ball d-duffer, it's a big Rasgulla" he said smiling broadly and
My eyes widened.

"Ahh, reallyyy then w-we should hurryyy or someone else will finish it" I said while pushing him to the ground so I can reach there first.


30 minutes later~

It's been 30min we are walking behind that rasgulla, but we could've catch him, because his speed is more than us, urgh...

Then my eyes catches the empty bottle in my hand, my delicious drink... Urgh.

we were so thirsty by running behind that rasgulla, that we emptied the whole bottle, and it was so tasty.

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