8 ~illusion

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warning mention about fluid and strong words.

Radhika's Pov  

I was so shocked by his sudden touch and stare on my neck, that I was frozen to even make a move, I slowly looked him who was still staring at my neck with serious and unreadable emotions. He slowly forwarded his hand and brushes his tip of fingers on my neck,

I squirm with the touch, neck was my most sensitive part... I never let anyone hug me, and even if I did, I never let them keep their chin on my shoulder.... it's ticklish.

I found him withdrawing his hand and intensively gazing at it his tip fingers.

I furrowed at his action and glance at his finger.

What th-

"B-blood!!" I slowly whispered and touched my neck.

There were few drops and I looked at Karnish who was looking at me... And slowly gave me a smile.

Creepy.... Radhika, I think you need to run.

I thought and was about to make a move, when he said.

"There's nothing to worry about, it's pomegranate juice." My eyebrow's furrow deeply and was about to say something when he bitted me to it.

"It's forest Radhika, and here you'll get everything natural without chemical, the reason it's dark red colour."

I was not fully convinced but thought to let it go. and nodded at him while wiping my neck, I still felt sticky there. 

"Leave this, tell me do you like this place?" He asked then I remembered that there was something so beautiful Infront of me, but for temporary I forgot it.

"Yeah.... but how the heck do you have a villa in the middle of a jungle?" I was so curious to know that how the heck he has a glass villa in the middle of the deep forest.

"It was gifted by my pardada, he was so fascinated of glass villa, and he wanted one deep inside the forest." Wow pardada? Athrav never told me about it.

(Pardada = Great grandfather)

The villa was full of wood with black glasses and the side interior was also black, some cue of light could be guessed from outside, or moreover we can say it was fully pack, no one could see anything from outside.

The villa was full of wood with black glasses and the side interior was also black, some cue of light could be guessed from outside, or moreover we can say it was fully pack, no one could see anything from outside

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(Imagine the glasses as black interior, with some hint of light)

"Honestly it's so beautiful, I m-mean.... I had imagined having one of my own." I said looking at villa in pure excitement.

I heard a chuckle from Karnish and looked at him.

"Okay, so want to go inside or want to see another thing I've?" I confusingly stare at him, and he got the cue.

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