CHAPTER 3 "Grandpa"

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Sullivan came to the faculty as fast as demonically possible, he just heard about Clipping. Robin said that Iruna was clipped.

Sullivan didn't know if it was true or not. Sullivan didn't even believe it, he didn't believe Iruma was Clipped, Iruma was human they didn't have wings like demons. But Sullivan was worried so he rushed to where Robin in leading him.

When he finally arrived he went and he went to Iruma and hugged him before taking a look at his back


When he looked at his grandson's back he was stunned, it couldn't be denied and it was in front of him. Iruma's back was filled with scars but the most visible was what was in the middle, Iruma's spine, the place where his wing roots should be, he would have thought this was Iruma's past scar from the environment he lived in, but it didn't seem like it, it was too many and Irumas was someone who dodges danger and it was also deep, too deep. Sullivan was sure Iruma would not have a scar this deep, he might have a few but not this many.

What made it believable that Iruna once had wings was the black rigid dark line that seemed to try to grow but stopped and no longer grew any wings. Others might have noticed but Sullivan saw another sign. Irumas tail. It was almost not as visible since his back was covered with scars but there was a black line from the top of Iruma's bottom it was deep in his skin but the dot was there, it wasn't only Iruma's wings that were taken but also his tail.

Sullivan then ordered Opera to take Iruma to his office while saying that Iruna would take the day off.

Opera didn't say anything and did as he was told but you can see Opera's ears down and twitch. Opera was as concerned and as shock, it might not be as obvious since Opera always kept a neutral face at all times. But looking at his eyes and the state of his ear could make you aware of how his feeling.

Sullivan asked if Demon Border was called in, it was not because he was concerned that he'd be caught messing with the humans but instead, he was preparing to reveal the situation about Iruma and now he was processing and thinking about how to explain the whole ordeal. It was proven now that Iruma was a demon from what he saw, he can't deny it. But he has to confirm later.

Sullivan was asked by Kalego if he knew, and he said no, Sullivan even went through other people's space bubbles without a care about their boundaries. He is not indecent in that he would look through his grandson's body, he believes that a good grandpa behavior, another reason is that Iruna is already old enough to batheath/shower himself and it be weird for Sullivan to batheath him. Same reason why Opera was also unaware of the scars.

But one thing's for sure, Sullivan should have taken Irumas to a check but because of his human nature and his in the demon world, that could not possibly happen, and going to the human world again would prove to be hard since Border Control is now keeping a stricter watch on it than before, since a certain someone went to the human world.

Kalego was still in the Faculty getting himself tea. As he sat in front of the Principal.

"As the Guard dog of this school, I need to know why one of the students, more specifically a student of mine is Clipped"

Kalego sternly looked at Sullivan, Kalego was sure that Sullivan was not the one who did this, but if by any chance he was the one who did it. As long as he swore to protect the students of Babyls, as long as he is still alive. No one will escape his grasp from hurting the precious treasure of the school.

Sullivan let out a sigh, as he looked at Kalego more intimidating. As Sullivan snaps his finger now confined in an airtight silent bubble, no sound can escape from this room. Kalego wasn't the only one who was there to listen Marbas, Buer, and Balam were there to hear the explanation.

"Under no circumstances will anything that we talk about here leave this room, if this is broken there will be harsh consequences. Understand?.

Sullivan said as his aura turned more serious, the people in the faculty room gulped as the room felt more suffocating.

Sullivan began to talk.

He explained that Iruma was a child that was sold to him when he was summoned in exchange for money, his parents were the ones to give this offer. Sullivan wanting a grandchild inevitably also wanting to save the child agreed as he then formally adopted him there. When Iruma came he gave him everything but he never looked at the boy's body he knew Iruma wasn't raised in a proper environment so he made sure had he everything a child should have at his age. Like food, shelter, and a proper education.

Sullivan then explained Iruma's living circumstances, from how his parents used him to how he lived mostly in the forest and alone.

Sullivan explained that beyond that information he didn't know anything else, and he didn't know Iruma was presumably a demon, that would probably explain why when Iruna slowly adjusted to his environment his smell no longer needed to be sealed or covered by perfume.

Sullivan continued... this time in a dark tone, Humans are not that welcoming to people who don't fit their standards and preferences. They often discriminate and cast out those who don't fit in, and maybe because of this, Iruma was Clipped and taken of his demonic traits.

The teachers took in the information, they felt furious at what happened to Iruma, but they kept their composure. Balam didn't say anything else as he confirmed that it was true.

And Kalego felt a huge migraine.

"So Iruma was in the human world for almost his entire life and was left with some pathetic excuse of a parent, and maybe during those times Iruma had been clipped"

Sullivan stayed silent.

Kalego let out a deeply pained sigh.

"Tsk, what a troublesome lot"

Sullivan let out a chuckle. As he gives a smile to Kalego.

"Aww Kalego Kun cares about his students so much"

Sullivan teased and Kalego just snapped at him

"It's because of you that my life can't catch a damn break and now this, you better raise my pay after this"

Kalego said, that even though it is true that he cares about his students, only a little bit, just an atom size care. Those brats were still a headache and a pain to his ever-lasting life.

Sullivan chuckled at this and stood up.

"I'm sorry about this, you should all go back to your classes, I'll deal with this myself. You don't have to worry"

Sullivan said giving a nice smile despite what he just discovered.

He then went out of the faculty now going to his office. With a completely different aura...

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