𝖈𝖍. 𝖛𝖎 𝖕𝖙. 𝖎𝖎𝖎 ; something so much heavier.

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'Meanwhile, you're here analyzing every little thing about the great blue-eyed blonde guy.'




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mind over matter - young the giant

And when the seasons change,

Will you stand by me?

'Cause I'm a young man built to fall.





JJ and John B found themselves snug as bugs in a Twinkie. The air was so thick with humidity, you could practically swim through it, and the cracked windows provided about as much relief as a broken umbrella in a hurricane. They lounged in the beaten-down front seats, feeling like they were baking in an oven with the engine's steady purr as their background music.

"Remember when life was simple?" JJ pondered, his voice oozing with nostalgia as he sprawled in the passenger seat. Ah, those were the days when life was as clear-cut as a straight shot down a Carolina backroad. Back when their biggest worry was conjuring up new mischief to stir up around town. Little did they know, that was just the calm before the storm, the pre-gold rush era.

It felt like eons ago, even though in reality, it was just a handful of weeks, or maybe days. But oh boy, how things had shifted since then. The simple tango of emotions between him and Laia, the adrenaline rush of their little escapades—now they felt like ancient relics, buried beneath the weight of newfound dangers and adventure.

"Yeah, like seven days ago." John B chimed in from the driver's seat, a hint of wistfulness in his voice. The golden days, or so he thought, when he could blissfully ignore his father's disappearance. Life was simpler then, just him and his cousin, Laia, taking on the world. Sure, it wasn't a cakewalk, but at least it wasn't as hairy as their current jam. Amidst all the mayhem and dodgy choices, John B found solace in one thing: crossing paths with Sarah Cameron.

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