the meet up

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It's the next day it was now Saturday the birds chip, the sun rises the breezy air was in your hair you felt better then last night you some how brushed it off with ease

You walked to the kitchen and made yourself some nice warm coffee to start your day. Watching the sun rise is surely nice, you sat by your window and drank your coffee, you got ready for your meet up with that dude from last time at he's house since he's family is coming over,

This time you wore :
A slim fit black top with lace, square neck and lace on the neck, black heels and tinted black high thigh socks, black high heels, pearl necklace, you did look like a sweet heart now

He said to come pick you up by 7:20 (morning) it was currently 7:18 (morning)
You waited for a bit untill you saw he's car there it was. You peeked yourself out the window and told him to wait a second and you'll go down,

You went downstairs took your purse, keys, and wallet, ready to go

You got in the car and you sat in the back since it's your first time so it wouldn't be polite if you go sit in front, you saw that he's older brother and younger sister were here as well with you in the back

"Hi" - Nora says

"Hello there!"- Sally (Wallace sister)

"Hi.." - Wallace smith (Wallace older brother)

Everything was just as expected he's family was okay with her and he was okay with them. It seemed awkward at first but after a while of the car ride everything was going the right way, you all talked happily making silly jokes
And things getting to know where everyone is from and who they are, and what are they're names. You still didn't know the background of the family,

And the thought itself got you curious but you didn't want to rush it or sound to straight so you went with the flow

you all then arrived at the place and then got out of the car.. you all go in the house you were the first one to go in,
it was weird but you didn't think it was anything

The house was nice and vintage you actually liked it, after a few hours you stayed for dinner it was currently (7:40) dinner was in a few minutes he's mom was cooking while everyone else was in the living room(so were you) you had a little interview with the family members and a small talk after a while the clock then hits.


"Sounds about time for dinner"
- Wallace Mill says

"Yup" - Nora says

"Great cause lord I am hungryy"
She says with a smile - Sally (Wallace young sister)

Wallace older brother didn't seem to say anything you just assumed he was shy

Sooner the clock hits (9:00)
About time that everyone should go to bed, of course you got his room instead of guest room, after awhile you changed into your P'js ready to spend the night sleeping.
You couldn't really sleep yet tho there was 2 clocks in his bedroom. One was upsidedown one was normal you thought it was just a decoration

your lights were now down low (dim) so you could hardly see anything. You saw something from your doors window look out it was an eye it looked like Wallace (mill), but you weren't to sure about it you just ignored it even tho you were scared.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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