In Tokyo, Japan, there lives beings which are seen as harmful to human existence. They are known as ghouls, similar to humans, yet they feed on them for survival. These beings are vastly stronger than humans, possessing great strength, immunity to conventional weaponry, and an ability known as Kagune. Kagune is a manifestation of cells in the body, known as RC cells. They form into weapons the ghouls use, like a liquid muscle, red as blood, and strong like blades. A ghoul is strengthened when they release their Kagune, becoming more agile and vicious as a result. The Kagune comes from an organ unique to ghouls, known as the Kakuhou.
A ghoul can be distinguished by their Kagune, which may be deadly to take sight of, or their Kakugan. This is the easiest and safest way to tell if a person is a ghoul. The Kakugan is a change in the eye color, the pupil turns a brilliant red and the sclera black as coal. This is shown when a ghoul is excited to a large degree, when famished, or when their Kagune is activated. Rumor also has it there are a unique set of ghouls, known as one-eyed ghouls, who only possess one eye as Kakugan.
An investigation bureau that acts as an anti-Ghoul organization, known as the Commision of Counter Ghoul (CCG). They are a police force with the sole purpose of eliminating ghouls, seldom also detaining them. A special weapon type was developed to counter Ghouls great defense, known as the Quinque. It is a device modified into a weapon from harvesting a Kakuhou of a Ghoul. They are turned into weapons, retaining a similar shape to that of the Kagune the ghoul who used it had. They have also developed what is known as Q-Bullets, bullets tipped in kagune material.
The city of Tokyo is divided into many different districts, known as wards. There are twenty-four in total, all housing unique individuals and ghouls. Many high ranking ghouls have gone as far as taking siege of these wards, essentially ruling them as tyrannical kings. Among the wards there are extremely dangerous ones, such as the 11th and 13th. Also, there are much more "docile" ones, such as the 20th. The CCG monitors these wards with great caution and patience. As a measure of tracking a ghoul they often record a single ghouls habitat in each ward they enter and cause more chaos.
Memories of a Eulogy (Tokyo Ghoul OC Fanfiction)
FanficThis is an OC story about a ghoul, an irregular ghoul, blending into human society. It follows him at the age of 17, through hardship and happiness. This is the first story of this kind I am attempting, so be nice and also honest in reviews. I inten...