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"Kuso!" Mitoka cursed as he slammed his fist against the locker. " What's with that glasses freak anyway?!"

"Calm down Mitoka . Shouting about it won't change the scoreline. " Karasu sat with his arms folded. He took a deep sigh before continuing.

" Besides we were cocky and thought we could get away with doing whatever we wanted . We need a plan , we can't let Mr. Nice Glasses use that dribbling of his anymore. Any ideas , guys?"

"You call THAT dribbling ?! That's no dribbling! Take that back Karasu!" Mitoka didn't want to admit it .

" Well what do you think it is huh Mr. McFlair huhhh??!" Karasu snapped back.

" I'm with Mitoka on this one. "
The rarity of hearing Otoya's voice turned all heads to him.

" You wouldn't say he's as skilled as Mitoka is. It's more of a core strength and speed. - it's more rigid."

"And unlike you duds, his teammates actually feed him with balls . " Rin added.

A few snickers were heard before the whole room burst into laughter.

"Pfft... hahaha!you gotta say pause after saying stuff like that Rin." Mitoka said as he wiped a tear from his eye.

Rin just slumped back and covered his head with his towel trying to hide his embarrassment. " Whatever."

"Mmhmmm" Karasu had to compose himself before he spoke, " Well whatever it is they're doing , rigid or not it's definitely working . Yukimiya Kenyu, huh? Where have I heard that name before?"

" Chan!" Shidou who had been unusually quiet suddenly sprung to life.

As if out of nothing , he whipped out a magazine and in dramatic fashion twirled around to reveal a shirtless picture of Yukimiya on the cover page.

"Yukki-chan is not just your average high school football player , his god-like physique and juicy orange eyes means he's a super explosive model on the side.!!"

"Ehhhh.." The color had been drained out of Mitoka's face, "Yukki-chan?? And why do you even have that anyway?'"

"He makes me feel all tingly like I might explode inside ." Shidou replies . " I know ! I'll get his number after the match , after I leave a mark on his body!"

"If you want to explode and watch cute boys go do that somewhere else , but you better let not it get in my way , stupid insect ." Rin muttered , loud enough for Shido to hear.

Shidou twitched and walked towards Rin and bent over right in his face , his left arm grabbing Rin by the collar and his right arm ready to swing .

"Knock it out , you two. I'm trying to think here ." Karasu sighed in annoyance as he separated them.

"Zip it spiky !" That was the first time Rin and Shidou ever were on the same page.

Now Karasu was pissed too and started yelling at both of them . Mitoka being the devil himself, was up and about instigating . Otoya just sat back his hand the only thing holding him back from laughing, he was definitely enjoying this. The rest of Team V were left in a tug of war trying to separate them.

That's when they heard it—the quiet muttering coming from Jun.

"Zero to one... zero to one..."

Jun's murmurs drew the attention of the entire room, his eyes glowing with determination.

Karasu's grin widened as he turned to Jun. "You got a plan there, Jun?"

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