I want to meet her now!!

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Lets start

Gorya set on the bed and started looking at the t-shirt he gave her .....there were many emotions going on

She was confused  about  what did Thyme just said what does he want her to do ....she was hurt to see kaning suffering.....she was angry because she can't help herself of Kaning in any way

She was free but she was locked


Kening started gaining her consious slowly. She opened her eyes slowly and looked all over the room and realised that she was kidnapped .... She stood up on her legs but started feeling deezy because of the injection the mans have given....

She grabbed a side of the bed and sat again. After a few minutes when she realised that she is completely in her senses she stood up again and walked near the door. She opened it and saw herself being in a big mansion ...she looked on both of the sides to find someone maybe some staff or some other members of the house she started walking and came downstairs....

She saw a big picture it was a family picture she couldn't understand or remember any of the suddenly someone put a hand on her shoulder.

She looked behind immediately and she saw the guy she  pushed away earlier


Kevin was standing there with a smile on his face to make her feel comfortable and feel safe

Kevin : so you are awake now *bands down to her height * LITTLE ONE

kening : Where is Gorya  ? Where am I... ?

Kevin : amm...am she is with ...with thyme

Kening : What ....why is she there ?*holds kevin's shirt and pulls him a little closer* What the hell you and your friends did hmto her ?

Kevin : *frees himself from her grab and set his glasses * amm I guess you like me close to you .......well your friend is completely ok and we have done nothing to her ....you can meet her by tomorrow....and don't ask me anything now ...I don't know anything either ....ask about everything to Thyme or Gorya .....let's go you haven't eaten anything since morning

Kening : no I will not eat anything I want to meet gorya

Kevin : I said you can meet her tomorrow

Kening : I want to meet her today and now

Kevin : so you won't eat ?

Kening: no

Kevin steps a little closer to kening
Kening started to move backward

Kevin : you won't eat ?

Kening: ammm...

She touched the wall

Kevin smirks and locks her in between his two arms

Kevin : I didn't heard it ....come again

Kening : I will not....

Kevin starts to go towards her neck
They were 1cm away

Author: Google how to be kening ?

Kening : ohh..oh..ohk i will eat but promise me you will let me meet Gorya tomorrow

Kevin backs off and smiles like a little kid

Kevin : offcourse ...now let's go the dinner is ready

He hold kenings right hand and leads her towards the dinning table ....it was filled with various types of food

Kevin pulls and chair . And makes kening sit on that and then he takes a plate and started serving everything in a little amount

Kevin : if you want anything else feel free to ask

Kening : amm

Kevin : what do you want

Kening: I don't want to eat these * points at almost all the dishes keving has served her in her plate

Kevin : so you are telling me that you will only eat that ramen and nothing huh !!

Kening : it's...it's ...too much ..fo..

Kevin : Huh...I agree...just eat whatever you want and how much you want leave the left over food here only

Kening nods

Keving leans closer to her lips

Kenings closses her eyes tight and mover her head in other direction

Kevin backs off

Kevin : ahh I was not going to kiss you I was just counting your teeths

Kening looked and the dinner plate and started eating

Kevin sits in front of her and he also starts serving himself

After the dinner

Kevin leads kening to a room where she will sleep

Kening : why is that window open

Kevin : for air ...this room is isolated so air dosnt pass nicely here so the window always remains open ....do you have any problem with that

Kening : wha...wh..what if someone enters through it and kill me

Kevin : oh...the security is here no one will come

Kening : what about ghost ? Your house is already big eny to scare me ...now you want me to sleep here

Kevin *smirks and leans closer to her ear * :  you can sleep in my room

Kening : what ...what the hel...

Kevin : ahh I  mean you can sleep in my room and I will sleep here

Kening : oh...ohk.


Gorya was sitting till 2AM she was not even thinking anything she was just sitting like a lifeless body

Thyme was in his room he was also not able to sleep ....and that's when he remember that he didn't offered dinner to gorya she must be hungry

He rushed towards the room gorya was ...

And he saw her looking out  of the window blankly

𝙐𝙣𝙡𝙤𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙙 𝙘𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙚||F4 THAILAND||Thyme×Gorya ||By Lemmeimagine Where stories live. Discover now