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Guys the problem is solved and yes I made it and didn't take any further time to update ...also guya i made a lot of typing mistakes and grammar mistakes in the previous parts plz cooperate with that as English is not my first language

Lets start


Ren ,mj ,Kevin, gorya and kening were there by now

Thyme showed up he was on the first floor, he came down through stairs making every one look at him

He came down and sat beside gorya

Thyme : well guys you all can enjoy while we are on the trip

He said it in a weird way . Gorya can easily sense that something is off . She doesn't want to go with him , but for kening ,she can even go to hell , and this is the same thing as that of hell

Kevin was not able to take it anymore and he finally spoke

Kevin: why are her feets bandaged, is it is a good idea to take her on a trip when she is hurt

Thyme : well*while putting his hand on her head*she walked upon glass pieces, I told her to be careful, but I think she is okay now she can go out with me , right gorya

Gorya gave a fake smile and noded ,that everyone knows was fake accept kening as she didn't knew that gorya is doing it all against her will.

Thyme gave a smirk and shrugged it off , not wanting kening to realise,

Thyem : well I and gorya will stay in my room and kening and Kevin will stay together, the other two boys have there own room here , anyone has any problem?


Thyme again looked at her and she stopped there knowing it well that he doesnt want her to speak further

Kening: well I can sleep on the couch it's not necessary to disturb Kev...

Thyme:ni you can't sleep on couch...you'll stay with Kevin

Even though thyme was behaving right with her and gorya shestill didn't answered him back she just noded with a annoyed face , that ren and Kevin chunckled on her reaction

Thyme : gorya let me show you our room , come

He said while offering his hand to gorya to come with him with a smirk on his face , that made her sacred , she wanted to deny but she can't . She took his hands and they both left

Soon thyme and gorya reached to a room they were at the doors thyme opened the doors and pushed her inside and then he came in and looked the door he pushed her on bed and then pinned her there with his both arms

Gorya's heart beat became really fast seeing him this close to her


??: please let me go ...I..I..am sorry'

??:you deserve this bitch

Flashback ends

Gorya's face was covered with sweat , her heart beat was uneven , her breaths were uneasy, even though thyme didn't move any closer then he already was.

Gorya opened her eyes with fear and tears in her eyes she looked at Thyme and heart started to ache

Thyme looked at her condition and he felt that it was because she doesn't want him to do this , and this made him want to continue even more

Gorya started to push him with her hands but he was powerful enough to not to worry about it, thyme went close to her lips and she turned her face on the other direction to avoid kiss and the closeness

𝙐𝙣𝙡𝙤𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙙 𝙘𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙚||F4 THAILAND||Thyme×Gorya ||By Lemmeimagine Where stories live. Discover now