Bite 357: The Vampire Trial

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The interrogation process had begun, and there was no need for the vampires to use thier influence powers on Fex. Due to Fex unique position and the strange circumstances, he was first kept in confinement at the castle to be watched over and then would be moved at a later time. This was because the others still did not know that Fex had actually snuck out instead. Instead, they stuck with the story of Fex having being ordered. If they had known the truth, they would have never allowed this as an option.

While in confinement, there were several guards, not just of the Sanguinis family, but also of the other families. They would stay just outside of his room at all times, making sure he didn't escape.

He had come clean about what he had done, and Silver was there to confirm and fill in the details. The method he had used to trick her and the others and even Silver got a small scolding from her father for not thoroughly checking. More questions were asked, but ultimately they were only concerned about what family the Wight had come from.

In the end, the only information they could get from him regarding this was that he didn't know what family the vampire that created the Wight belonged to.

Inside the first room, inside his own castle, was the leader Bryce and the second leader Harold. Thier rooms had a victorian decor to them, and on the back wall up against the bed was the family crest. Several paintings were also displayed on the wall of the previous leaders.

The two of them were sat opposite each other on a sofa. When looking at them the second leader, Harold, although sitting towered in size compared to the first. He was a tall man, he was far taller than any of the other vampires, but he was also incredibly thin. His appearance would often remind people of a stick insect or a large tree. He had entered the first room to deliver all the information that had been gathered from Fex.

"What do you think? The reports say they used the influence skill to get these answers from him, but I don't believe them. Other reports also state that Lee hasn't even been to see his son since they found out." Harold explained.

Bryce continually tapped his cane on top of his bald head as he thought until he stopped to give his answer.

"I think the boy is telling the truth, and the way they are acting confirms that the family had no involvement in the boy's actions. They could be acting, but we have all known Lee for the longest time, he works on pure emotion, and he would never think past being caught.

"The problem is the Wight. Its power depends on its creator power, and if they used the blood of the creator, we all were it in that room. For a vampire, he must be strong. When Silver went to kick the white, I looked carefully to see if anyone flinched to try to protect it, but no one did.

"Of course, it could be something as simple as that the vampire isn't closely connected to the families at all. But I find it hard to believe that one so strong slipped through everyone's fingers during the pool process.

What if the vampire wasn't from here?"

"What do you mean, like an Earth agent, we have them all accounted for, and you know they belong to a mix of families. I doubt that if they did know they all would have kept their mouths shut." Harold replied.

"Exactly, do you remember the tenth seat? The fire has been lit and maybe, whoever he passed his powers onto, is trying to regrow their powers again. If so, we need to plan our next move carefully."

After a few days of confinement, they had eventually made the decision that Fex should be treated like every other criminal that would be in the same situation. He should be placed in the underground dungeon, behind bars with Peter, until his trial was to take place.

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