Amidst the Ashes

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Theon stormed back into the Winterfell courtyard with a fury that could make a wildfire jealous. Fresh from his escapade in the woods hunting for the elusive Stark boys, he marched straight into the stables, his boots practically leaving scorch marks on the ground. Grabbing Anitia by the throat like a dragon snatching its prey, he pinned her against the wall with the intensity of a siege.

"Where are they?" he demanded, his eyes ablaze with anger.

Anitia, caught off guard, sputtered, "What are you talking about?"

"The Stark boys. They've escaped. Are you telling me you had nothing to do with it?"

"I swear, I had nothing to do with their escape," Anitia protested, adding a coy "My Prince" to sweeten the lie. Theon released his grip, but the air around them crackled with tension as he stormed off, leaving Anitia to catch her breath and plot her next move.


Summoning everyone to the courtyard, Theon had an air of sinister mystery about him that sent shivers down Anitia's spine. What diabolical scheme was he concocting now?

Addressing the crowd with a chilling authority, Theon declared, "I told you what would happen. All of you. I told you what would happen if you served me loyally. And what would happen if you did not."

Dagmer and his band of Ironborn thugs drag poor Luwin through the crowd, positioning him next to Anitia like sacrificial lambs at the altar."What are you doing? What have you done?"Luwin gasps, his eyes wide with fear.

"If there are any who still question whether your new lord means what he says, here is the answer to your question."Theon declares, gesturing dramatically behind him. The raiders hoist up two charred bodies of children, their innocent faces twisted in agony, and the crowd recoils in horror.

" No!" Anitia cries out, her voice a desperate plea in anguish.

Theon's heart sinks as he sees the devastation he's wrought. He locks eyes with the sobbing girl in the front row, once a sister in all but blood, now a stranger in the wake of his brutality. At that moment, he realizes the actual cost of his thirst for power.


Osha shot Luwin a mischievous glance before darting into a nearby corridor clutching a stolen loaf of bread. As Luwin turned around, he couldn't help but stare at the charred remains of Bran and Rickon Stark, his expression a mix of sorrow and frustration.

Later, after her grueling shift, Anitia retired to her chambers only to find a mysterious note awaiting her on her pillow:

Meet in the crypts in the cover of night -Luwin.

Intrigued and slightly apprehensive, Anitia decided to heed the cryptic summons. Venturing into the eerie depths of Winterfell's crypts, she spotted Osha, the flickering light of a candle casting eerie shadows."Got as far as the farm and then doubled back. Walked through the stream to throw off the hounds. Hoped this would be the last place they'd think to look," Osha explained in a hushed tone.

" You're right so far," Anitia replied, her curiosity piqued.

" Who was that out there hung up at the gates?"Osha questioned.

" Must have been the farmer's boys, "Luwin responded grimly.

"He killed them and burned them and passed them off as the little lords?"Osha gasped, the gravity of the situation sinking in.

"They mustn't know. Bran would blame himself," Anitia realized, her mind racing with the implications.

"They'll never hear it from me. The little lads have suffered enough," Osha assured her, her voice tinged with empathy.

Little did they know, Bran Stark sat in the shadows, eavesdropping on their conversation. Hodor and Rickon Stark slept nearby, unaware of the secrets unveiled beneath Winterfell's ancient stones.


The next morning, Theon addresses his men in the Winterfell courtyard, rallying them for battle against the Northmen. He speaks of the valor of the Ironborn and the legacy they'll leave behind, even in death. Amidst the fervor, Dagmer knocks Theon unconscious. He admires Theon's speech before proceeding to stab Luwin when he intervenes. The Ironborn then departs with Theon, leaving Luwin wounded on the ground.

In the hushed stillness of Winterfell's Godswood, Maester Luwin lies sprawled beneath the ancient trees, a spectacle of fading life. Hodor lumbers forward, followed by Bran, Osha, Anitia, and the impulsive Rickon, a ragtag band in the face of chaos. Ever since the Ironborn set their kingdom ablaze, they sought sanctuary amidst the sanctuary of the gods.

Rickon, his youthful energy uncontainable, dashes ahead, leaving Osha scrambling to keep pace. With a feeble hand, Luwin reaches out, a glimmer of relief illuminating his eyes at the sight of the Stark children. But Rickon's gaze fixates on the crimson stain blooming on the maester's chest.

" Tell us what medicine to get from your chambers."Bran implores, determination coloring his voice.

" We'll make you better."

" I feel just fine," Luwin reassures with a hint of wryness, though his weakened state betrays his bravado.

" They burned it down. They burned everything."

Tears well in Rickon's eyes.

" Not everything," Luwin counters softly."Not you. But they may come back. You have to go. Put on your warmest clothes. Pack as much food as you can carry and go north."

"North's the wrong way. And mother and brother are south. We don't know where."

"There are too many enemies in the south. Go to the Wall, to Jon. He'll look after you and let your mother know you're safe."

"I don't want to leave you," Bran whispers, his resolve crumbling.

"No more than I want to leave you. I pulled you into the world. Both of you. I've seen both your faces almost every day since. And for that, I consider myself very, very lucky. Go now with Hodor. Go on. I'll be right here."

As the group rises to depart, Osha and Anitia hesitate.

"Osha, you must protect them. You're the only one who can. You may have to protect them against your own kind," Luwin urges, his voice a faint plea.

" I've got no great love for my own kind. I'll get you milk of the poppy. Tell me where to find it."

" I don't want milk of the poppy."

Anitia brandishes her knife, a silent exchange passing between her and the maester.

"Go," Anitia commands, her tone brooking no argument. "I'll stay."

With a nod, Osha acquiesces, and the group strides away, leaving Luwin and Anitia behind in the shadowed grove.

Luwin's gaze finds Anitia once more."Do it quickly," he implores, resignation tinged with acceptance.

Meanwhile, outside Winterfell's crumbling walls, Summer and Shaggydog roam the fields freely, a silent testament to the chaos that has engulfed their home. Osha, Rickon, Hodor, and Bran follow, their faces set with grim determination. Unable to walk, Bran sits stoically in a cart, his gaze fixed on the horizon.

And amidst the smoke and flames of Winterfell, a lone figure stands vigil, her presence a beacon of hope amidst the devastation.

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