Chapter 4.

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Angelic Hypnosis



After the long day Lillian came back to Tobias's home completely dumbfounded of who to trust."Where were you." Tobias asked lowly..sounding mad. "I told you to explore Zurtillis." Lillian said nervously cause she felt like she was about to get yelled at "AT THE DEMONIC GARDENS?! ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Tobias yelled as he was mad. "Look I'm sorry I just wante-" Before Lillian could answer..Tobias punched her and she fell unconsicous.

Hades shivered all of sudden as her tail wagged rapidly all of sudden."Father.. my tail." Draven looked down at Hades's tail.."You know what that means right?" Draven asked coldly."Someone's hurting my soulmate.." Hades answered a bit bothered.

Lillian couldn't move her body..she felt trapped.But she could see what was happening..she was under hypnosis..Tobias hypnotized her..the things she saw.. Tobias was touching her body..while whispering things into her ear. "You're mine. Just. Fucking. Mine. You little bitch." Tobias said as his fingers buried deep into her hips..causing her pain..she didn't looked like she was in pain. But deep inside she felt so much unbearable pain all over her body.

Sorry that this is short but i promise in a week or so new episodes and I'll try to make them longer!!

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