Chapter 10.

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"Angelic" Brother?


"He's what?" Hades asked in confusion if she heard correctly..Tobias FUCKING Trinity is a son of a Ange-Demon King?! "Yes, he's your older brother." Draven said..his voice sounded like he too was dissapointed.And so it was true, an Angel....being the son of a Ange-Demon.

"I wonder why's Hades in there so long.." Lillian said nervously as she looked at Warren. "It scares me too..but I think it's cause of Tobias. " Warren looked at Lillian anxiously..Hades finally came out and immediately went to Lillian and Warren, her face said it all..shock,anger,disgust. "Warren..did you knew about Tobias being our brother?" Hades asked as she looked up at Warren. Warren couldn't belive what he heard. "HE'S WHAT?!" Lillian and Warren both yelled out. "The twin's and Hades's older brother." Emmerson walked in. Hades got more angered. "You old fuck." Hades growled as she glared at Emmerson."You have every right to hate me." Emmerson said softly..clearly not proud of his actions aswell."But we can't waste anymore time, Lillian, your grandmother is trying to get into Zurtillis." Emmerson said as he looked at Lillian. Lillian couldn't help but worry."She can't get back if there's gonna be a war between..whatever Tobias is preparing and us." Lillian said.

"Dragor this is madness!" Enzo said as he looked up at Dragor who was..packing? "I need to help them." Dragor said harshly.. "Dragor if you go then everybody will kill you!" Mick yelled out before Dragor flew away from their hideout. "Leave him be, puppy..bunny."

100 years ago.

"Son..I appologize..but you shall not be the next on my throne." Draven said..looking at his eldest son, Tobias. "What..why not?!" Tobias asked in confusion to why he couldn't become the next king on the throne. "I have decided it's not best for a Angel to be the leader to the demons of Demonic Gardens." Draven explained calmly. "And because Angels are not to be trusted."  Dragor walked in. Tobias's gaze hardened as he looked at his father and his friend. "Of course you think DEMON SCUM!" Tobias yelled out before the gurads took him away. "Tobias you are no longer welcomed in Demonic Gardens..and no longer are a Nocturn." Draven said calmly before walking away with Dragor. Tobias kept laughing menacingly. "I'LL SHOW YOU FATHER!".  "Are you okay?" Draven asked Dragor. Dragor looked upset and angry at the same time. "That boy..he'll cause us war..and problems..big problems." Draven said in a whisper.

Dragor was fixing his wounds from a fight with outsiders..before Tobias walked in. "Hello mister Dahlia.."Tobias smirked as he walked over to Dragor..before he could react, Tobias had him under his control."Kill Draven's wife."


Dragor flew as quickly as he could, trying to get to the castle before it was too late.

"Dragor used to be your friend?" Lillian asked. "Best friend.." Draven corrected her and slightly shivered. "I couldn't forgive him for killing the love of my life, right infront of my eyes..and infront of my dear Hades." Draven explained as he looked up into one of the windows. Dragor suddenly bursted out throuht the window. Hades immediately covered Lillian with her wings..luckily causing no damage to her wings or her beloved mate. " please let me explain-" Dragor immediately tried to explain. "Quiet." Draven ordered and everyone immediately kept quiet. "Explain why i shouldn't kill you right this second." Draven asked Dragor with his eyes filled with anger. "Back then..Tobias had me under his that he could weaken you..cause he knew you loved Lillith." Dragor panted as he tried to exxplain himself. "How else would i knew how to get out from the fucking hypnosis?!" Dragor asked as he looked up at Draven..clearly begging for forgivness.

"I forgive you."

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