Why is it that every good moment of love, happiness, Joy, laughter or even nostalgia annoy them so much?
Why do they feel that rage and anger when am just trying to reach my heartfelt desires?
All they ever do is speak
and say;
They say am weak, break my heart and walk awayIt hurts so many times that my heart starts swimming with tears
Slowly but surely it heals, unhopefully i still cry, i scream but nobody hears my voice no wonder i call it;... "GAME OF SILENCE".I know it all cause i see it all but i feel the more. The more i feel the more am shattered, the harder i seek, the worst i receive.
Tries to revive but abandon in disguise mistreated slaughtered!
tries to justify but end being insulted, manipulated harshly, cold blooded satanically!Lordly!! I yelled in a chorus, why is life so unfairly?
The injuries not only injures me physically but created a deep darkned hole inside my heart.And when i try to express my inner emotions, fingers arise, voices amplified! Temper's are made hot... And what are the end results???
My hope...
My only hope
Has been disqualified.