slytherin boys react to you being jealous

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"Careful y/n, your face might freeze like that If you glare at them for much longer" Theo's teasing pulled your attention away from mattheo and the random girl giggling at whatever he said.
"I wasn't glaring" you rolled your eyes "just simply wondering why she needs to be THAT close"
"mmm of course, that's why you are looking at her like she killed your dog" Draco said through his laughs

Enzo and tom joined in until they were all laughing you for your 'jealousy'. You weren't jealous. Just annoyed.

Enzo's face softened "you know that you have nothing to worry about y/n, they were partnered up for potions, you should have seen the fight mattheo put up but Snape wouldn't budge, plus look at his face, he looks like he wants to be anywhere but there"
In all fairness mattheo did look disgusted as she spoke to him. He must have felt you all staring at him as he turned his head and caught your eye. A devilish grin spread across his face as he winked at you, heat rose on your cheeks and you quickly turned away before everyone noticed your embarrassing blush.

"See the man is whipped, if you said to jump he would, if you said to shave his hair he would" Theo joked.
"Its pathetic" tom chimed in
You were still focussed on the hair comment Theo made "why would I tell him to shave his hair?"
"That's what you took away from that?" Draco sounded exasperated

"Butttt if you do want to get back at him, you know where I am" Theo drawled
"Nice try nott"
Everyone burst into laughter.

"What's so funny?"
The familiar voice sent your heart into tailspin" no matter how long you guys had dated he still had the power to make you giddy around him.
He leaned over the sofa you were all sat on and kissed you on the cheek.
"Hey" he said softly
"Hi" you couldn't stop the smile playing on your lips, all your previous jealousy vanishing.

"Just y/n trying to kill your potions partner from across the room" Theo answered mattheo's original question.
He walked over and sat next to you on the sofa before wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you into his side, "is that so?"
"You're all being dramatic" you huffed
"Says the girl who was shooting daggers across the room" tom replied in his usual cold tone sounding bored of the conversation.
"I was not!!"
"Its okay princess, its hot when you are jealous"

When everyone else moved on to a different subject mattheo leaned in to whisper in your ear his hot breath brushing against your neck, "don't worry, I will make it up to you later". You didn't reply but the blush creeping up your neck and across your cheeks told him everything he needed to know.


The unfamiliar feeling of jealousy consumed you as you watched tom tutor a girl from his class. You never normally had to deal with tom talking to other girls, yes everyone found him extremely attractive, but they were all too scared to approach him and even if they did, he did not entertain them one bit. But he had to tutor this girl for extra credit, so you had to suck up your jealousy.

You watched as tom tried explaining the potion to the girl, but she was too busy undressing him with her eyes. Your blood ran hot as you watched her eyes roam all over him and linger for a second too long. All rationality fled your mind as you got up and made your way over to their table.

The girl noticed you first and you revelled in the drop of her smile. Tom must have noticed her lack of attention because he looked up and followed her gaze over to you. A ghost of a smile passed over his lips, he could tell from your face you were jealous.

"Doll" he greeted you with a nod of his head and a tiny smirk on his face.
"Hey babe" when you reached him you leant down and kissed him. Tom normally avoided pda, but he could tell you needed him to co operate so reached up and grabbed the back of your neck to deepen the kiss. When you pulled back, you turned to face the girl and gave her a tight smile. "You guys wouldn't mind if I joined your little study session would you?"

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