slytherin boys react your first kiss

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you were in your dorm, on the floor in tears, you didn't even know why, everything at the moment was just too much for you and you were extremely overwhelmed, you got like this a lot and you knew it would eventually pass, you were just frustrated.

seconds later mattheo walked into your dorm with your favourite chocolate bar, confused you look up and gave him a questioning look. without saying anything he walked over to you and kneelt down, he grazes his thumb across your cheek wiping away your tears, "hey princess" he said with a soft tone.

"hey" you replied, pulling your top down and sorting out your hair, attempting to make yourself look slightly more presentable, but there was no point you had been crying for hours, your make up was all down your face and your hair was a matted mess, yet mattheo still looked at you as if you were the prettiest thing he had ever seen.

after a few seconds of staring at eachother, he broke the silence and placed the chocolate bar in your hands, "i brought this for you, i could tell you needed it", this confused you even more, you hadn't told anyone how you were feeling, and you thought you had done a good job at pretending you were fine earlier, nobody else had noticed. sensing your confusion mattheo smiled before sitting down and pulling you into his chest.

immediately feeling better you relaxed into his embrace. "you really think i wouldn't be able to tell you are having a bad day?" he questioned. "well nobody normally does, i'm quite a good actress i will have you know" you joked back. a look of sympathy spread over his face before he tightened his hold on you, "y/n, i know you, in class you were fidgeting with your necklace and zoning out, this caught my attention and then when we were with everyone at lunch you were quieter than usual, so i knew something was wrong." his confession sent a flood of butterflies to your stomach, nobody had ever paid attention to the little things you did before.

"i'm just being dramatic to be honest matty, i get like this now and again and it's silly because i wouldn't even be able to tell you what's wrong, i just get all overwhelmed and send myself spiralling" you explained.
he grabbed your chin and looked you dead in your eyes "princess, how you feel is never silly, i don't need an explanation if you can't give one, just know that i will always be here for you when you need me" without giving him a response you leaned in and kissed him, he quickly took control of the kiss and pulled you onto his lap, after a few minutes of kissing you both pulled back to catch your breath. "thank you matty", you said simply, "anything for you princess"


you and tom were in his dorm, you led on his bed on your stomach and him sat at his desk writing something down. you were waffling about your new book that you were reading, your hands moving about rapidly as you were explaining the plot to tom. the only reply you got would be an occasional "mhm" or a head nod, but you didn't mind that was just how your guys friendship worked, you talked enough for the both of you and he enjoyed listening to your rambles, he would never admit it though.

you continued talking, but didn't realise that tom had stopped writing, to listen in more. he had his back turned to you so you couldn't see him smiling as he listened to you. you were the only person that could make him smile and he loved you for that, he just didn't know how to show it.

he carried on listening to you for a few minutes before getting up and sitting next to you on the bed, confused you paused mid sentence, sat up and eyed him cautiously. without saying anything he grabbed the back of your neck and pulled you in to kiss him.

it took a few seconds to register what had happened before you could kiss him back, but your hands quickly made it into his hair as you straddled his lap, he hummed in approval as you began tugging his hair.

a few minutes later you pulled back and smiled down at him, "so tom riddle does have feelings" you teased, he leaned into your ear and whispered "only for you doll".


you and theo were home for the holidays, theo had always came to stay with you and your family since first year when you first became best friends, but the past year things had been different between the two of you, you didn't know if theo felt the same way as you so you didn't want to admit anything in case it ruined your friendship.

today you and theo were babysitting for a family friend. you adored their daughter, and she idolised you. you and her were playing barbie's in the living room as theo sat on the sofa watching you two with a smile on his face. every now and again you would turn back and catch his eye.

after about an hour of playing barbie's the little girl wanted to do theo's make up and to your surprise he agreed, she ran upstairs to go grab her make up and you turned to theo laughing to yourself. "what's so funny cara mia?" he teased making you laugh more. "nothing teddy, just can't wait to see the finished look", you replied and walked to sit next to him on the sofa, he didn't say anything after this, he just stared back at you with a small smile. you held eye contact for a few seconds before having to look away to hide your face as you could feel yourself blushing from his intense stare.

before you could fully turn away theo grabbed your face and made you look back at him, you opened your mouth to question him but before you could say anything he pulled you in and kissed you. you returned the kiss and as it began escalating you slid your hand up under his top running your hand along his abs, before anything else could happen, the little girl you had been babysitting had came back downstairs.

"ooooooo, you two are kissing" she giggled causing you both to pull apart and laugh with her.


"dracoooooo" you called from the changing room. you and draco had gone shopping to hogsmeade, and you were trying on a dress that had caught your eye. "yes y/n" draco called back. "i need you to zip me up" you said.

you unlocked the changing room door so he could come in and help you. "right turn around then" he said once he was in, "yes sir" you teased before turning around and lifting your hair up giving him access to your back. he rolled his eyes at you and gave you a glare through the mirror.

you felt his hand brush down your back as he grabbed the zip, and slowly began tugging it up, his slow movements sent a shiver down your spine, you felt his cold rings against your skin as he continued his slow torturous movement. as he reached the top of the dress you dropped your hair and looked at the dress in the mirror.

you could see draco admiring you from behind with a smile on his face, you made eye contact through the mirror and both stared at eachother for a moment. you were the first one to break the silence, you turned around to face him, "what do you think dray?", "i think you are the most beautiful women to exist y/n" his response shocked you as he had never been this forward before, you guys flirted all the time but this was something else.

before you could reply he closed the gap between you both, put his hands on your lower back and kissed you, your hands quickly wrapped around his neck as the kiss progressed.


you and enzo were in your dorm watching a horror film. your attention was fixated on the flim, you sat up as things got tense and pulled your legs up to your chest to hide your face.

enzo watched you as you occasionally peaked through your arms to look at the film, he smiled to himself before pulling you closer to him, "come here love" you snuggled into him and held on to his arm squeezing when you got scared.

the next minute there was a jumpscare and you screamed and squeezed enzo's arm extremely tight. he found this hilarious and threw his head back laughing, earning himself a slap from you. "it's not funny berkshire!! i think i just had a heart attack", "don't be so dramatic y/n you didn't have a heart attack" you glared at him with fake anger, which only made him laugh more, "you are hot when you are angry love".

before you could reply he leaned in and kissed you. he pulled back to see your reaction, but before he could fully lean back you grabbed his shirt and pulled him back in, smashing your lips back on to his.

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