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Hello. I'd like to thank anyone and everyone who has read this fic and enjoyed it and who were waiting for more chapters. Due to recent events regarding Shelby and Wilbur, I DO NOT support Wilbur at all any longer. All my support and love goes to Shelby.

However, I have been planing this fic out and how I want it to go in my head for about approximately two years now at most. Even before I made this fanfic a thing.

So, in light of that, I will be continuing this fic the way I have it planned out; but from here on out there will be a disclaimer regarding my views in the notes on every chapter.

Reminder: I do not support Wilbur and all of my support and love goes to Shelby and so should yours. I will be finishing this story off the way I planned it. I'd hate to see this story and all my plans go to waste.

Thank you so much for your time. I hope you'll stick with me. If not, that is totally understandable. This is big news (Wilbur and Shelby's, not mine).

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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