Anne the waitress

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I looked back at her "Uh yup!! That's me! Im Anne!"

She smiled "Anne.. Boonchuy, you're familiar.."

I chuckled awkwardly and looked back at my work.

The class soon started but I could still feel her eyes on me , I tried to ignore it and after a bit she stopped staring at me.

The bell ran it was time to go home, I got up and started packing away just like everyone else, as soon as I was about to leave I could feel someone grabbing my wrist, I turned around to see Sasha,

"Uh yes-?" I asked

"So you're parents own a Thai restaurant?"

"Um yeah- why-?"

Before anything she smiled and walked past me

Well that was- weird-

On my way home I received a text message from my mom


Hi Anne, how was your first day at school ? ❤️☺️

Hii, it was pretty good! Already made some new friends ❤️

How is work?

I'm glad! And work has been fine, we just need a bit of help and wondered if you could come? if you don't mind!

Of course! Send me the location I'll be there!

*sends the location*

I started walking to the direction of the restaurant and as I arrived there I was amazed

"Woah mom this place looks absolutely amazing!!!" I said with a big smile on my face

My mom chuckled "thank you sweetie! We just need a few more packages to unbox and it's gonna be all ready!"

"Great! I see you already had some customers!! I'm glad!" I then went in the back to unpack some more things

After a few hours I was exhausted but told my parents I would help them so I did, I went as a waitress to take customers orders and bring it to them and did that for a few more hours until my mom approached me

"Anne you can go home now if you want! You have worked so hard you must be exhausted-" she said

"No I'm fine! Really! I want to help you guys a bit more!" I said tiredly

My mom looked at me and sighted " fine-
But you need to go take a break now young lady -"

I nodded my head a bit and sat at a free table, I then layed my head on it and rested my eyes for a bit

I woke up to some girls giggling and one of them tapping my nose, I opened my eyes and sat up immediately after I saw it was no other but Sasha and Marcy

"Did you sleep well sunshine?" Sasha looked at me giggling

I blushed "uh what are you doing here-?"

"This is a public restaurant isn't it? We wanted to get something to eat! But what are you doing here, sleeping at a table? Shouldn't you be in your own bed?"

"Well yeah-! I wanted to help my parents but I'm taking a short break at the moment-! But you know what I think I should get back-!" I got up and laughed awkwardly as I went back in the kitchen,after a bit I peaked out to see the 2 of them sitting at a table waiting to order, just for my mom to ask me if I can take their orders

I sighed and as I got my pen and my server book and headed towards them

"So are you ready to order?" I asked

"Hmm I'll have a tom yum noodle soup and a coke" said Marcy

" I'll have some Thai fried rice and a Fanta"

"Great is that all?" I asked as I was writing their orders down

"Id like your number" smirked Sasha

I gasped quietly as I could feel my cheek getting red "uh seriously-?"

She closed her eyes while smiling and nodded while opening them again

I could feel my stomach getting all weird and my face getting red, my brain was not in the right place so I quickly went back into the kitchen

What the hell why am I feeling like this-

My mom looked at me worried

"Anne are you good? You look like you have a fever- hm I think you should go home now-" my mom said as she was feeling my forehead

"I'm fine!! Here are the two orders-!!" I showed her and she began cooking

"After you serve those two customers you go straight home, it's really late, got it?"

I nodded and got the coke and fanta to give it to them

They smiled but before they could say anything I turned to go back to the kitchen ,after a while their food was ready so I went back to serve it to them

"There you go-! Would you like to pay now or when you're done?" I asked

"Hang on- I don see your phone number anywhere-" Sasha said

I sigh and say "I can't give my phone number to any of my customers, this is my working time"

"Hm but I also go to your school! So technically I'm not only a customer" She said smirking

Until Marcy finally said " if you're giving her your phone number I should have it too- it wouldn't be fair I also go to your school-!" She giggled, both looking at me

I groaned ," fine fine!!" I wrote my number on a piece of paper and finally gave it to them

"Here! Now Im done with work-!!" I then ran home with a little smile on my face

I got in the shower and thought to myself " what the hell was today"

I got out after a bit and dried myself then put on my cat pjs and cuddled with domino

I looked up at the ceiling and blushed at the thought of Sasha and what she had called me that day, I smiled and chuckled a bit while slowly closing my eyes

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