Chapter Seven

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Jade's Huge Office, bustling with activity as CJ and her design team work on decorating and arranging furniture.

They were men carrying furniture, artworks and of course office equipment. Some of the people are assembling office chairs and table with proper and care.

Jade has an impeccable sense of taste being a graduate of Civil Engineer and also an Architect, he is also very keen to detail. He was just staying at the far corner of his office and just watch CJ and her team do all the creative transformation for his office.

"What's the theme we're going for?" asks Staff 1.

"We want something elegant and modern, but with a touch of warmth and personality." answers CJ.

Staff 2: And what about furniture placement? Do we have any specific requests from Jade?

" No, not yet, but let's start with the basics. Large desk over here, bookshelves there, and a seating area in the corner for meetings." CJ starts taking commands in control of the whole process.

CJ meticulously placed each piece of office decor and furniture with care.

Jade got fascinated with CJ's bright sunny attitude and how she treats her staff fairly and with respect. It feels like a group of friends are enjoying doing cratftsmanship and transforming it into a great design master piece.

As the team starts bringing in the furniture, Jade walks into the room, observing the chaos around CJ.

Jade walks to CJ. "I have to say I didn't expect this level of work from you and your team. I'm impressed."

"Thank you, Jade. We take our work seriously and we want to make sure you have the perfect office to suit your needs." CJ tells Jade.

"Well, I trust your vision and expertise. Just make sure it's functional and aesthetically pleasing," says Jade as he gazes deeply into CJ's hazel green eyes which is like a magnet that's pulling him closer.

"Don't worry. We are also time conscious. We'll make sure to have everything done on time," says CJ as she pulls a scrunchy from her pocket and keeps her hair into a high pony tail.

Jade couldn't help but stares at CJ's nape and suddenly feels a chemical reaction within his body while looking at her flawless creamy white smooth skin.

Suddenly there was a loud thud which brings back Jade to his senses.

As the team continues working, Jade walks around the room, taking in the progress.

"Brooke would have loved seeing all of this. She always had an eye for design." Jade mumbles.

CJ glances at Jade. "Brooke, Brooke Mitchell, your fiancee?"

Jade was caught off guard and smiles faintly. "Ex-fiancee. I broke off the engagement with her."

"I'm sorry to hear that. But maybe this new office will bring in positive energy and new beginnings for you." CJ sounds sympathetic.

"I hope so, my office will be my second home," says Jade. He walks to the far side and gets inside a door.

After how many hours

" This looks amazing, CJ. I never would have thought of this layout." Jade's looks around with an amazement.

"Thank you, Jade. We wanted to make sure it was both functional and visually appealing." CJ's response.

Jade's eyes seem to be fixed on CJ as she confidently takes charge and makes final adjustments. He's impressed with CJ's dedication and work ethics.

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