Episode 1- The Cooking Competition

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          "Hello, people! Welcome to Windows On The Wor-" No one even acknowledges North (WTC Tower 1), and they immediately walk past him. "Oh." It was May 19th, 1976. Exactly one month since North's restaurant, Windows On The World, had opened. It was early in the morning at 6am. North gets on top of the counter and loudly asks "What do you guys want for breakfast, everyone?" "We want the Mega Breakfast Sandwich!" everyone loudly says at once. North, using Building-Soul magic, prepares each sandwich in under 5 seconds.

          The Mega Breakfast Sandwich included 2 cinnamon rolls for buns and eggs, bacon and cheese in the middle

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          The Mega Breakfast Sandwich included 2 cinnamon rolls for buns and eggs, bacon and cheese in the middle. After every sandwich was prepared, North sat down in the spinny chair at the counter and spun around in his chair. "Weeeee!!!!" After a few minutes a girl dressed in a fancy red rudder suit walked in and sat at the counter. "Hello, Ma'm! Would you like a Mega Breakfast Sandwich?" "Oh, no thank you. Just some coffee for me." The lady sounded like if a person from Ukraine tried to speak english in an indian accent. 

          North, again using Building-Soul magic, prepared the coffee in 2 seconds. "Wow! I must say that was mighty fast! How did you do such a thing?" "I just use Building-Soul magic." "Wow! Truly fantastic! So, the reason why i'm here is because I want you to join the cooking competition!" The lady said. "Cooking competition?" "Yep! It will be at 6:30 on the top floor of the Empire State Building!" "Wow, that's so cool! Who am I going up against?" North asks. "Oh, you're going up against Mr. Moo-Moo, a cow, and Mycheal, a mushroom boy. But just between you and me, I have a feeling you will win. When I first heard of the W.T.C, I had thought to myself 'Oh great, another 2 useless, dumb buildings.' That was until I had searched deeper, and learned about you. After reading about 10 newspapers about your restaurant, I learned so many good things about it, and it's only your first month!" "Wow, that's fantastic!" "One thing though, you need to bring in 2 judges to rate the food. One female, one male." The lady said. "Oh- That's fantastic! I know the two perfect people for the job." North said. "Perfect." The lady then hands North 21 dollars (a dollar and 20 bucks as a tip), and a card with her name and phone number 'Hannie McFancylot' was her name. "Ta-ta, North. i'll see you at 6:30." The lady says as she walks out. "Goodbye!"

          Later at around 1:30, North's best friend Sears (The Sears/Willis Tower) came over for his lunch. "Hello, Sears! What do you want for lunch today?" "Come on, North. You obviously know I want my usual!" Sears said. "I know, but I just don't understand them! Why get the same thing over and over again when there's a million different things on the menu!" "...But there aren't a million things on your menu." "I suppose not." North says. "Y'know, something you should add to the menu is bird meat! Yesterday Neilid (The Space Needle) caught some type of bird and cooked it on the grill and dipped it in buffalo sauce. It was really good! Though, he said he had to catch an ugly, talking green bird thing. When he caught him, a tall, evil looking thing with red string for a head chased him!" Sears said. "That's crazy!" 

          A few minutes later, South (WTC Tower 2) came over to get her lunch. "Hi guys!" "Hi, South! Do you know what you want?" "Not yet." "Good, because I have some very great news to express with the both of you now that you guys are both here. I'm gonna be in a cooking competition!" North says. "Oh yeah, I saw that in the news paper!" South says. "The lady that came here said that I need to bring 2 judges. Do you guys wanna be the judges?" "Yea, sure!" "Definitely! Where is it located?" "She said it's located at Emperest's (Empire State Building) building, on the top floor. It's gonna be at 6:30!" North says. "Wow, I can't wait!" Sears says.

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