Episode 2- Observation Deck

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          "Hey, what time is it?" "Let's see... It's quarter to 9. If it was pm it would be time for a small child to take a bath." The old man said. "Yay! That means I have 45 minutes to do my thing. I have everything all planned out today! Hey, wanna see a magic trick?" South (WTC Tower 2) asked. "Uhh ok." South then pulls out a piece of paper that shows a map of North's restaurant on the top of his building, called Windows On The World. "Blue Skidoo, we can too!" South says before getting absorbed by the map. It was November 12th, 1976. South was getting ready to work at her observation deck on top of her building.

          A few seconds later,  South and her map appear at the dining area where North is sitting while cleaning dishes using Building Soul magic. "Hi South! Would you ALSO like the Mega Breakfast Sandwich?" North asks. South then replies with: "ho ho ho ha ha ho ho hoo ha ha ho ho ho ha ha ha-ha, yee." North then gifts her the Mega Breakfast Sandwich. South then gifts North $20. "But South, fellow Buildings Souls get to eat for free! Especially since you're my sister! Also, the MBS is only $3." "Well, I think money is dumb. So therefore, you can have it!" South says "Oh ok, can I gift it to a homeless?" "Sure!" South then pulls out a map of her lobby. "Blue Skidoo, we can too!"

          A few seconds later, South appears in her lobby. "Did you like my magic trick?" "Not really. You just kinda disappeared for a few minutes and then came back." The old man says. "Oh." South then begins angrily staring at the old man. 

(Note that South is about 8 or 9 ft while the old man is about 5 ft)

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(Note that South is about 8 or 9 ft while the old man is about 5 ft)

          About 30 minutes later, South magically found a map of her observation deck. "Blue Skidoo, we can too!" South then appears on her observation deck and unlocks the door for people to get in. About 15 people walked though. "Hello, people! My name is South and I will be your tour guide!" "We know that, you say it everyday." A man says. "Wha-... Anyway, let's begin! Follow meeee!" South then turns to face the Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building. "If you look over there, you will see Emperest and Sunshine's buildings! Th-" "Are you supposed to know who those people are?" A man says. "Oh, right. You are currently looking at the Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building. And by the way, I kindly ask you to not interrupt me next time. Anyway, let's look at something else! As many of you know, over there is my brother North's building. He's making food for a bunch of random people he doesn't know at his restaurant! Oh, I have the most ethereal idea! Let's see if Marriott-..." South's voice becomes more stern "I mean my younger sister WTC 3...  Is around!" South looks down at Marriott's building. Marriott was sitting on top of her building painting a picture on a canvas. "Hi Marriott!!!" South yells. Marriott looks up. "Oh, hey everybody!!!" "What are you painting?!!" "I'm painting a beehive!" Marriott shows South and the other people (even though the other people could barely see from all the way up there) her painting. "Wow, I really like it!!! But one problem: Not much nectar!!! Add more!!!" South yells. "Oh, ok!!!" 

          A few minutes later South tells everyone to be quiet. "Do you guys hear that? It's the ethereal sound of Minoru's (4 WTC) rock music!" Minoru was playing Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen on his electric guitar. South was humming along to the song. "Uh- I don't hear anything." A woman says. The other people agree. "Oh, right. Humans have less advanced hearing than Building Souls." South says. South looks around, trying to find something else to talk about. "Oh, look over there! It's the Hudson River! I really like  the Hudson River, but sadly it is heavily polluted-" "Ok, why don't we talk about something more important like the Statue Of Liberty, which is the reason most of us are even here." A man says. "I will if you stop interrupting me!" "Fine." "Wait, who did you want to discuss again?" South asks. "The Statue Of Liberty." "Oh, Lilith! Me and North are very close to Lilith. She's really nice, gives good advice, and knows how to speak French! Let's gift her some flowers!" South uses Building Soul magic to gather a bunch of blue flowers, turn them into a giant flower crown, and puts it around the Statue Of Liberty's arm.

 She's really nice, gives good advice, and knows how to speak French! Let's gift her some flowers!" South uses Building Soul magic to gather a bunch of blue flowers, turn them into a giant flower crown, and puts it around the Statue Of Liberty's arm

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          Lilith, who is on top of her torch, uses Building Soul magic to gather a bunch of red flowers and puts them around North and South's buildings. A flower crown appeared around South's neck (same thing happened to North.) "Isn't kindness just the greatest thing? You gift someone, and then they gift yo-" suddenly, a weird portal thing appears behind South. A weird looking boy and his pet chicken come out of the portal. South was dumbfounded. "Hey guys, my name is Dooneel Roonhoohoo. I'm from the future! I like to watch brain rot content. If you are mean to me, I will send my skibitti toilet army. Anyway, I'm here to tell you, South, that you and your brother will be attacked by-" "I thought I had told you humans to stop INTERRUPTING ME!" A large white laser beam shoots out of South's eye. The laser hits Dooneel, and he disappears in a poof of smoke. "Wh- What did you do to that poor little boy?!?" The man asks. "I sent him to the void!" "What's the void???" "The void is a bunch of little black stars in a big white ink!" South says. "Why do you even have a void?!" "Well, a while ago, Me and North's creator, Mr. Silverstein, said we were too nice. So, me and North created a void. We send people we don't like there so that no one thinks we're too nice anymore! No one thinks we're TOO NICE NOW  LARRY!" South then begins laughing maniacally.

 We send people we don't like there so that no one thinks we're too nice anymore! No one thinks we're TOO NICE NOW  LARRY!" South then begins laughing maniacally

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          A few seconds later, North waltzes over. "Are you ok South? I heard you yell!" North says. "Yes, I'm fine. I just had to send a very rude and arrogant child to the void." North looks at the chicken thing. "Can I have this?" "Yea, sure!" "Yay! I'm gonna go feed it to the people at Windows!" Before North leaves, another man says. "Uh- You two are so crazy... You guys should live on Mars!" "That's a perfect idea!" North then jumps into the sky and disappears into the clouds. "What??? Is he really gonna go to Mars??? I was just joking!" "I'm not really sure." South says. North then comes back with a jar full of Mars dust. "I'm gonna go make chicken-mars dust stew! Bhu-bye!" "Bye, North!" North then cartwheels over to his building. After about another hour of observing, it was time for the humans to leave. "Alright everybody! It looks like our time is up. Please exit through the elevator. I'll see you all tomorrow!" 

References (Anything that is underlined is a reference to something):

"It's quarter to 9. If it was pm it would be time for a small child to take a bath." Is a reference to "DHMIS episode 2: Time"

"I have everything all planned out today!" is a reference to "BFB 10: Enter The Exit" by Jacknjellify when the character X said the same

"Blue Skidoo, we can too!" Is a reference to "BFDIA 1: Yeah, Who? I Wanna Know" also by Jacknjellify when the character Leafy said the same

"ho ho ho ha ha ho ho hoo ha ha ho ho ho ha ha ha-ha, yee." Is a reference to the viral meme "Yee"

"Not much nectar" Is a reference to the movie "Plan Bee"

"Dooneel Roonhoohoo" Is based off someone I know irl

"The void is a bunch of little black stars in a big white ink!" Is a reference to the song "Cold Island" from the game "My Singing Monsters"

"No one thinks we're TOO NICE NOW LARRY!" Is also a reference to the movie "Plan Bee"

Word Count: 1,436



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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