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Charlotte threw on a pair of light blue jeans and her dark brown top she had just ordered online, her long brown hair in loose curls. Olivia wore almost the same thing, just a white top instead. " So you kissed again?",
Olivia asked her best friend, " That was the first time again since after the concert?". The concert was just over two weeks ago, and Charlotte didn't respond to her friend. Olivia gasped, " You've kissed again and didn't tell me!".

" Only once like at the bar when we were all out, it didn't mean anything since we were both drunk", Charlotte said, " This one is different since neither of us were intoxicated". Olivia hummed, getting where she was coming from, " But what about your little freshman boyfriend?",

Olivia smiled, " He's good. We've been hanging out a lot", she admitted, a flush of red coming over her face. Charlotte smiled at her, the two grabbing their phones before heading out to walk to the house hosting the party. Thankfully it was only a 10 minute walk, the house already being packed once they arrived. Ethan and Mark greeted the two girls, pointing them to the kitchen to get themselves a drink.

" Hey, Nick", Charlotte smiled, the younger boy waving at her. He immediately began talking to Olivia, handing her a drink that he had already gotten for her. Charlotte took that as her sign to leave, spotting Luca in the crowd.

" Ew why are you here", Luca joked, giving his sister a quick hug. " Rutger is playing beer pong with Frank currently",

" I'm here to talk to you?",

Luca laughed, " Please, don't lie. I support this, fridge is a good guy". Charlotte laughing and giving her brother a thumbs up, talking with him and his friends for a bit before wandering off. Rutger stood beside Frank, who was currently taking his turn in beer pong. They were up against Seamus and Mark, who always seemed to beat them.

" Hey, Charlotte", Seamus greeted, Mark and Frank sending her a quick nod. The girl smiled, Rutger obviously focused since it was now his turn. After successfully getting the ball in, the boy turned around so he was fully facing her.

" You seem busy", Charlotte joked, Rutger shaking his head quickly.

" We're almost done, wait like two minutes", he assured her, quickly turning back to the guys so they could finish their game. Charlotte waited the couple minutes like Rutger said, the game being over. Rutger put his arm around the girls shoulders, walking with her as they headed to the kitchen to get themselves more drinks.

" How's your birthday been?",

Rutger shrugged, " Not bad. I'm still not over the tickets, I'm actually so excited. Now I can't wait until after summer",

Charlotte smiled up at him, " I'm glad you like them. You can take Frank or something if you want",

" Um, no. I'll take you over any of the guys", he said, " Plus, I wanna go with you". Charlotte nodded, the two continuing to talk for what felt like forever, but really it had only been 20 minutes.

" I'm gonna go see if any of the girls from my team are here, you should hangout with your friends", Rutger disagreeing with her, " Oh god, come on. We see each other basically all day everyday, go with your friends". Charlotte practically shoved him away from here, the boy engaging in conversation with Mark and Ethan right away. Charlotte found a few of her teammates, hanging out with them for quite awhile. Even though her and Rutger were over 20 feet apart, they often found themselves glancing at one another, before looking away only for it to happen again.

" Rutger has been eyeing you all night", her teammate, Maddy, spoke. Charlotte laughed, " No seriously, you should go",

Charlotte noticed Rutger coming towards the group, the boy flashing a smile at them all. " Mind if I steal her for a sec?",

The three girls shook their heads, Rutger grabbing Charlottes hand and leading her into the bathroom at just off the kitchen. " Bathroom? Interesting place",

Rutger laughed, " I'm bored. Do you wanna go?",

" Up to you, isn't this for your birthday?",

He shook his head, " Kinda but not really. The seniors wanted to have a party this weekend anyway, just happened to be my birthday as well",

Charlotte nodded, " If you wanna go we can, I'll just tell Liv to get Nick to walk her home",

" They left together like thirty minutes ago", he laughed.  Charlotte sighed, allowing him to lead the way out of the house, " Do you wanna just come back to my apartment?".

" Come to mine, Liv won't be there anyway. And it's closer", Charlotte said, " I have some of your pj pants from forever ago in my closet".

Rutger laughed, " You wear those all the time, don't act like they've just been sitting there". Charlotte rolled her eyes at the taller boy, wrapping her arm around his waist, Rutger placing his around her shoulder as they made their way back to her apartment. They both never realized how much they loved each others company, until they were alone and doing things like this.

It made her wonder if they would ever actually be something serious, and it got her hopes up. She just hoped that she wasn't gonna end up embarrassing herself, and realize he doesn't actually want anything serious. Rutger felt the exact same, but he was gonna somehow show her how he felt, he just wasn't sure how he was gonna do it just yet.

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