Leah's POV

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As soon as we got back to the hotel room, I took an emergency Power Nap, hey it was crucial to the auditioning process! I needed it  because as soon as I woke up I started practicing for the audition like CRAZY, until Floyd made me go to bed.

But I didn't, we'll not right away anyways. I was way too excited, and nervous. I had been going over my lines when I finally fell into a restful sleep.

I usually don't dream, but tonight I dreamed of a certain boy with the brightest blue eyes you've ever seen❤️

                              Time skip 

The whole car ride to the audition, i was fidgeting and biting my nails so low to the point where i couldn't even see them.

Floyd could obviously sense my nerves, because before I knew it me and Floyd were belting out to Cruel Summer VERY off key. He may be annoying at times, but he always comes through when I need him. 

                              ANOTHER time skip (short one though)

When we finally made it to the audition center, I was feeling a lot better. I knew I was as prepared as I could've possibly be, at least I thought I was.

Because as soon as I opened the door, I saw a face that I was almost positive i would never see again.



That was all that needed to be said, before we were running towards one another and wrapped in another big bear hug.

I don't know how long we sat there just enjoying each others presence , before we heard a chuckle coming from behind us

"Well, I guess this means that we won't have to worry about the chemistry" I heard a voice from behind me say

It took me a second to recognize it, but once I did.....

"Rick Riordan?" I asked in disbelief 

"In the flesh" he said while laughing again

I suddenly felt myself feel very red again, I can't believe I hugged Walker before I even noticed anyone else in the room

" i am so so-" I started before I got cut of by him

"It's all good, I'm actually relieved that you two know each other, everyone else we tried had been horribly stiff" he said with a gentle smile

In that moment, I let myself feel a glimmer of hope

" I'm still really sorry, I didn't even notice anyone else was in here" I said sheepishly 

"It's all good, young love has a way of doing that to someone" he said with a mischievous smirk on his face

"Oh were not-"

"We weren't-" 

Me and Walker said at the same time

No matter how much I want it t-

NOPE, we are NOT gonna go there

I looked over at Walker, secretly hoping that he was as red as I was, thankfully, he was

" Relax, relax, I'm just kidding" Mr. Riordan said with a laugh

"Well" he said while clapping his hands, "Now that we've had our fun, I think we should get this chemistry read started"

                         Time Skip until after scene, because I don't feel like writing it👍

" Well done guys, I could really feel the connection you two have"

I looked at Walker, expecting him to look embarrassed, but he was just grinning at me. I grinned back

"Alright, now that that's done, now all I need you to do is one small thing for me"

"Sure" he said

"Anything" I responded 

"Good" he said with a smirk on his face

Uh, oh. I've spent enough time around my brother to know that, that face is NEVER good

" All I need you guys to do is...... Kiss"

A/N - ahhhh, my first cliffhanger, there won't be many, since I hate it when people do that to me. I just felt like this chapter needed it. This is my favorite chapter yet, ENJOY❤️

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