Getting to know their egg/the getting to know your egg

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Getting to know Dapper was a fun yet weird experience. He is a very smart egg, whenever he would show you a machine and try to explain how he made it and what he used to make it just confused the heck out of you. But he also likes animals so whenever you see him you would bring him an animal and he would be very happy with it and even happier when you get him a animal he hasn't gotten yet and I'm return he would make you a machine.

Badboyhalo likes you egg a lot, manly from how different they are to dapper. Your egg is
extremely nice to everyone and wasn't really aware of the consequences of danger,
it made everyone worry about them a lot. Badboyhalo would give your egg a lot of armer to protect them and would give them a lot of gifts ,witch your egg loved. You egg would often give him food and flowers to him and badboyhalo would keep every single one.

Getting to know Leo was fun but also hard
(only if you don't understand Spanish like me)
Leo is lots of fun to hang out with and loves animals, which has led to some problems when you hang out. Whenever you go exploring and see an animal you kill it and Leo will always hit you and say they wanted it as a pet which leads to you spending the rest of the day finding them a pet.

Foolish has a lot of beef with most eggs and that includes your one to. Whenever they see
each other they would start beating the shit out each other and it would last a long time, but that didn't mean they didn't like each other. The both got along pretty well when the weren't fighting. Your egg often gives him things to build with and foolish would build things for them.


Getting to know juanaflippa was nice. She was always sweet and kind to everyone.
You are always careful when it comes to feeding her from all the allergies she has. You both often pick flowers together and then give them to slime, and he keeps all of them. Sometimes she'll shoot things with her gun which scared you the first time but your use to it now.

Slime getting to know your egg is a weird thing to happen since your egg doesn't really like him that much and like a lot more deadly activity's. You egg would fight powerful creatures as slime would run around screaming and swinging his sword around. Your egg would protect him but he still doesn't like him that much. Your egg after a little while learns to tolerate him even if he's weird and weak.


Getting to know tilin was a joyful and sad. Tilin was so nice to you and gave you flowers every time she would see you but, seeing how she's treated by quackity. Quackity is never mean to her but she gets left alone and how she clearly hurt by it but will never say anything.

Quackity meeting your egg was an ok experience
Your egg doesn't really like him a lot and doesn't want to tell you the hole reason why.
Whenever they hang out your egg is always making fun of him for being bad at everything and quackity always takes it really bad and yells back at the egg but he always ends up getting the shit beat out of him.


Cellbit getting to know your egg is a pleasant experience. He always nice to your egg and they get along well. Your egg loves hanging out with him inside his castle. Your egg has even made a secret room inside his castle what they think Cellbit doesn't know about but he does, but doesn't say anything about it. Cellbit loves when your egg comes to him to show him , well anything and will listen about whatever it is.

Getting to know Richardson was a good experience, hanging out with him was a scary experience though from how stubborn he was about not wearing armer but he does normally listen to you after he freaks you out. He likes to randomly going to you and watching you do projects and he will even help you out with it.
You also randomly wake up with works of arts inside your house but you can't really help but keep the art work.
You still wonder where it came from.


Getting to know Richardson was a weird thing since he would think your trying to ruin his dad's chances with badboyhalo for whatever reason.
Other than that he quite likes you and likes showing his plans of trying to get his dad a boyfriend, you find it quite funny and laugh whenever it fails but he's not giving up anytime soon. Whenever you both hang out he likes dragging you out to dangerous dungeons that he probably shouldn't be going anywhere near but you know he's to stubborn to listen to you.

Forever getting to know your egg is a very cute experience. You egg loves hanging around him from how cheerful he is and your egg loves coming out of nowhere to scare him. Forever love your egg because they are much more behaved then Richardson but he obviously still loves Richas more. Whenever they both hang out your egg would drag him around to explore different biomes and collect different animals to keep as pets even if the animal they got shouldn't be kept around as a pet.


You getting to know pome is a very pleasant and surprising experience. Pome is a very nice and artistic egg and finding out that she was the French sniper was very socking to you.
Pome likes you a lot because it's easy to scare you but will always apologise with flowers or with some art she made. Whenever you both hang out she'll take you to go explore and find new things to give to her dad. You would often give her things you find in dungeons.

Etoiles getting to know your egg was a worrying experience not because they hate each other, they actually love being around each other but because he would take your egg to very dangerous dungeons and would constantly 1v1 your egg witch gives you heart attacks.
When they hang out they go to dungeons and fight monsters together and would make companions on who can kill the most monsters and they never end up on agreeing on who won so they would settle it with a 1v1


Getting to know Bobby was a fun experience and was always something exciting to do with him. He would like to show you all of he dangerous pets and more than one occasion has his lion bit you. Whenever you both hang out Bobby would normally do painting together and hang it up on his walls and would give you some tamales
to take home with you.

Jaiden getting to know your egg was a very carm experience. Your egg loves being around Jaiden and will often surprise her with anything to a new plant or new animal you have found and would sometimes give it to her as a present. Your egg would often go to hang out with Jaiden when you were busy and would normally just explore a bit and maybe fight a few mobs.


Getting to know pome was a very fun experience.
You and pome got along with each pretty quickly and grew attached to each other pretty quickly. Pome would often invite you to show her art to you. When you both hang out you would normally fight a couple monsters and do a few dungeons, none to dangerous though to keep safe.

Bagherea getting to know your egg was extremely sweet and cute. Bagherea absolutely adores your egg, she thinks it can do no wrong and you egg think the same about her. Whenever they both hang out Bagherea would normally be building and your egg will normally watch and help a little when they can. Your egg would normally follow Bagherea everywhere and whenever Bagherea leaves your egg alone they would pout about it making her feel bad

(Sorry I'm not far enough into the qsmp to do Niki or Bagi eggs if they have one I'm not completely sure since I'm still on the Purgatori streams sorry i have been trying to catch up.
If anyone has any requests on what I should do next then please don't be shy to ask)

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