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"Let's have lunch together; what do you say?" Shane asked after the heat of the initial moment had dissipated.

Lara shook her head. " No."


"I can't seem to keep a clear head around you, and I often fail to keep my resolve to keep from pursuing our romantic interests while at work. Besides, I have to meet with Andrea. It's important I do."

"Oh!" He twitched his lips. "No problem, then." He raised his hands quickly as her lips parted. "And I know what you are going to say. This should never have happened, but it did. We would have to work on keeping our arms off each other at work."

"Primarily, you are at fault." Lara glared at him.

"Wait a minute. What? I'm at fault. You dressed purposefully to tease me. Perhaps you should work on looking less breathtaking every morning, and I could keep myself from reacting."

Lara scoffed in disbelief. "Now I'm at fault for being too beautiful?"

"Right," Shane confirmed.

Lara rolled her eyes. "I'm not having this argument with you now. It's too early for that on a Monday morning. We should get to work." She turned to head back to her office.

"Sure. We should. But I'm not done."

Lara stopped in her tracks and turned to face him. "What?"

"With our argument. How about we meet after work and pick up the pieces from where we left them?"

Lara arched an eyebrow. "Seriously?"

"A date, if not by lunch, then after work. I will drive."

"Of course you will. Let's keep each other at arm's length for the rest of the day. You are at fault for being too handsome. I could have stopped this from happening if you hadn't been too charming and..." She bit her tongue.

"And what?" Shane urged, slowly covering the distance between them.

"And..." Her lips parted wordlessly, her breath hitching in her throat at his proximity again. His nearness to where she was standing was unknotting series of emotions and desires she had struggled to bottle up after the epic climax they had both had earlier.

She wouldn't think about that now.

"Lara, get to work." Shane's voice sounded strained.
She jumped at the emotions evident in his voice and rushed out the door to her office, muttering an abrupt "Bye."

She slammed the door behind her and pressed a hand to her chest to steady her racing heartbeat.

Her lips remained parted as she heaved out her pants. She closed her eyes briefly and heaved a shaky exhale, finally regaining a modicum of her breath.

She could still feel him between her legs as she walked back to her seat and settled down to work.
No sex or thinking of having sex with Shane at work, Lara.

She snapped at her mind to stop bringing up images of her make-out session with Shane earlier in his office.

Didn't you love it? She heard her annoying subconscious mind giggle in mockery at her.

Calm. She inhaled deeply, balancing her fingers in the air to type away on the keyboard and lose herself in the flow of working.

She snapped out of the trance she had been held in as she digested the information she gained from her research on the project she had been assigned by Shane, the sound of her fingers dancing over the keyboard with a soft click-clack being the only thing reverberating in her ears.

The Playboy's Crush By Deborah A. OlaleyeWhere stories live. Discover now