8. you think we're the same?

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"Doesn't that mean you're divided from humanity?" The words rung and ring through her ears — he was able to get a slightly picture perfect of the lonely girl. Though in a sense Y/N was divided from humanity, her birth affected the world, the world stands on her shoulders.

A heavy responsibility she's dealt with since a child, with her training beginning when she had become four — their reasons being 'you're the strongest no matter how old you are, the world depends on you.' And thus a monster was created. An arrogant, and egotistic child had been fed truth; they just never expected she'd turn to hate the higher ups.

"No, I'm very much part of normies, I'm just better in every way." She replied only this time a bit miffed at the brunette's curiosity and his questions. "What's with the sudden talk of humanity? I hate all this psychological bullshit." A obnoxious frown etched her face as she let out a groan.


Yet the boy was silenced when another voice of a man spoke up; an older male around the age of mid twenties had towered or leaned on the barstool counter — the individual was drunk.

"Hi there, I couldn't help but notice you from af-far." He hiccups before continuing; "it's quite hard not to actually, your beauty is one of a kind." he slurs his words as he sat on the free stool chair, the group of people ( the buraiha trio including Y/N ) stares at the male, confused of his presence but of course this would've happened.

But at such a bad timing?

A arrogant smile grew on her face — she wore the smile. "I know right, But whatever you want old man, it ain't gon happen - Unless you want the police involved?" Y/N waved a dismissive hand, yet the man ignored her and just sat there, enjoyingly drinking his beer.

Y/N gawks at him who obviously heard her before sighing and returning to the conversation with the four men, they resume about talking about ethics, the port mafia and the jujutsu society. The man seemed bored before pulling a pill out of his pocket and attempting to slide it inside her milkshake, unlucky for him all four of them saw it and just stares at him with a look of confusion ( for some ).

"You had some saliva on your straw." The drunken man 'reasons' thinking he was pretty swift and slick and that no one saw it. Oda's brows furrowed — his expression soured but Dazai's merely sniggers at the attempt.

"You seem to like it, Go drink it." Y/N slides the milkshake glass to the man who nods, holding it against his chest. "You seem familiar, have we met before? You look oddly familiar.." the man mutters, swirling the long and curly straw as he stalls.

"Dunno, I don't pay attention to people." Y/N shrugs her shoulders, eating the candy she brought with her, her white colored brows furrowed as she tries to open the candy container ( or the plastic that is keeping away heaven from her; her words not mine ) she groans, before it finally opened and she plopped it in her mouth.

"Right, you look exactly or similar to a pregnant woman I saw years ago." And Y/N blinks, all four men do as the brunette who's left eye remained covered cups his cheeks and exclaims.

"Y/N-chan!? You have a baby?" He blinks docilely and innocently, yet his personality and long list of kills and crimes proved otherwise. "What!?" Y/N finds a reason to explain whatever this was, she's never even touched a boy inappropriately nevermind kissed one. "I-" but then the idea came to her, she recently adopted two children and that could be her excuse to men who want something with her and she doesn't want anything with them.

"Two actually," Y/N begins, sighing and rubbing her hands. "I'm a single mother." She states, her inner self giggling at the thought. She doesn't like kids. No, eugh. "A girl and a boy, a few years apart." Y/N hums before turning to look at the guy. "But the baby daddy is still around and he's a crazy sicko, he always escapes the psych ward."

She mumbled before clearing her throat and rummaging through her phone and then acting surprise, "he just sent me a voice message." Y/N peels her phone back up and then hides it slightly and then playing the 'voice message'.

"Y/N...guess who just escaped the psych ward," a few muffled words and a few incoherent sounds play in the background. "I'm back from the psych ward..I've been thinking about.." a sigh leaves the person's lips on the voice message. "About you, it's been so long..I was loosing my shit in there, I'm coming for you.." and the voice message ends.

Y/N tries her best to not snicker or break into a laughter, she had gotten Suguru to say all of that with the help of friendship ( and a wad of cash and she offered to pay for the next two weeks ) she smiled before clearing her throat. The man beside her took the milkshake with a look on his face as he exits the place, slightly stumbling. She sighs and then giggled now, placing her head on the mahogany table. "It works everytime." She sighs before placing her phone away.

"So you're not a single baby mama whose baby daddy is a mental person?" Dazai muses, eyeing her as he drinks his bourbon, a sly look on his face. "Then what was that?"

"Oh, it's a long story honestly." Y/N sighs before eyeing the clock on the wall as it ticks. "See you again tomorrow? I don't know when I'll be available, I have a few missions but I'll be there I guess." Y/N shrugs before taking her candy with her and then waving bye and then leaving the bar.

"This was an interesting night.." and the two other men nod their heads in agreement.

Suguru yawns; staring up on the ceiling of his dorm in the dorms of the Jujutsu High school

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Suguru yawns; staring up on the ceiling of his dorm in the dorms of the Jujutsu High school. A bored and bleary look in his eyes as he eyes it, the light flickering slightly and then he turned around when he gets a notification from his phone.

"Must be Y/N.." he says, lowly. Eyebags visible under his eyes when he sighs and gets up; ignoring his phone and walking over to the bathroom, yet he does nothing but stare at himself in the mirror.

That same look.

He's exhausted, did anyone notice?

He's not sure honestly, he hopes not. But a small part of him did , he's selfish he thinks.

But he was just 17 too.



𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐒𝐓. . . //  female gojo reader.Where stories live. Discover now