Intro + Requests

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And I present to you: Le Oneshot au Headcanon. (pardon my horrible fr*nch)

I'll make your requests, but don't expect them to be regularly written. I usually only write when I suddenly get that 3am motivation or when I'm bored. Expect medium update pace. Chapters may vary from 5-10-20 pages long.

You may request: CharacterXCharacter, Y/NxCharacter, Fluff, Angst, actual stories (realistic ones), all the normal oneshot stuff. I also do headcanons, if that's your thing. Please keep in mind I may reject requests whenever I feel like it, but don't let that discourage you from requesting. I'll also write my own oneshots and headcanons too.
Whenever you request Y/NxCharacter, Y/N is always assumed to be the Traveler.

When it comes to headcanons, it can be AnyCharacterXAnyCharacter. Including Y/N. Whenever headcanons are written, the headcanon character responding to the POV character is always assumed to be the Traveler unless specified. However, it can also be an anonymous character, in order to fit some certain headcanons. *cough cough* Signora *cough*

Till this collection suddenly ends up with some unsavoury stories for the younger audiences, this will remain suitable for all ages and I will not switch it to mature.

Put your requests here.

Gah, I don't know how to start a oneshot book. Hi, I guess? Oh, right. All characters belong to HoYoVerse and all other properties belong to their respective owners. I created the horrible cover art etc. Story ideas either belong to me or the requester. The plot belongs to me yadda yadda blah blah who cares about copyright law

Fluff = 🤍
Actual story = ⭐️
Angst = 🌧️
Story with suggestive themes and/or slight NSFW or NSFW headcanons = 🔺(this will be included next to the other symbols and will not be included standalone.)
Headcanons = 💭
I don't know what to classify it as = ❔
Random stories I came up with half asleep = ⁉️
NSFW stories =🔻

Quick explanation for the new Wattpaders/those who have no idea of the terminology above:
-When a story is a fluff story, it will usually be wholesome and comforting to read. May or may not make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

-When a story is an actual story, it is... well, a story. It has a plot, climax etc. Pretty much your average story with no twist like fluff or something.

-When a story is an angst story, it is usually sad and may cut daggers into your heart. The characters within the story may experience hurt or anything of the sort and you may experience heartbreak and watery eyes. Emphasis on the 'may.'

-When a story or headcanon is slightly NSFW, suggestive or the sort, it usually contains stuff like suggestive language, certain ways of touching etc. Stories of this type usually never end up going too far into you know what, the progress gets cut off suddenly by me because I didn't write those parts (like I leave what happened up to your imagination kind of cut off) or a random story event cuts it off.

-When a chapter is about headcanons, it's when I, the writer, thinks would happen if X thing happened to Y character. For example, Character A suddenly finds someone looking sad, and would do Z thing to the sad person to make them feel better. Another example is Character B is suddenly proposed to by their SO, and they would react in Y way.

-When a chapter has that white '?', it means I have no idea how to classify it. It could be completely random, funny or anything of the sort.

-Whenever a chapter has that red interrobang, it was written by me for the funnies and contain no actual plot. I guess it can be classified as comedy, but it may still vary from comedy to whatever.

-NSFW stories are, well... not safe for work. It may contain stuff like NSFL (although very rare) and of course, the NSFW. Don't understand it? Ask your parents. Understand it? Well, I think I know why you came here in the first place.

Quick side note, I write on a tablet. Proportions may look weird on mobile devices, so this collection is best suited for PC/Tablet users.

No smut/lemon, although it may be implied.

Slight NSFW stories may be allowed.

No OC's please.

No NPCs, please. Only playable and future playable characters, such as La Signora. "Wait, but isn't she dead?" you ask? Take a look at Honkai Impact 3rd. It's story concluded, so now they're releasing all the dead and usually not playable characters as playable ones because it wouldn't interfere with the story.

I believe the same may happen with Genshin, so we may end up with a La Signora that can burn an entire hilichurl camp, a Paimon that can heal by force feeding immense amounts of food to our party characters and a Focalors who may end up making Neuvillette's damage look like a fish fighting a ruin drake. Copium is nice, ain't it?

Protect the children. There shall be no romantic relationship or any hint of that between child characters. Only platonic chapters for them.

NSFW headcanons may be allowed.

Writers block is horrible, ain't it? Here's hoping writers block doesn't come knocking on my door in this book. ONE BOOK IS ENOUGH PLS I BEG WRITERS BLOCK DONT SMITE ME

So uhh... yeah, enjoy the ride!

Shameless self advertising but... check out my other book FFDC please

Okay, enough rambling from me. You can find character specific content by looking at the parts.

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