
78 9 34

3rd person pov

Yoongi took a seat in the passenger seat, he greeted Jungkook with a friendly "Hey Jungkookah, how are you doing, man?" Jungkook, who started to drive the car, replied in a cheerful tone, "I'm great, Hyung, just having chest pain nowadays a lot! How are you doing?"

Concerned about Jungkook's health, Yoongi advised him "I'm doing great! You should go for a checkup Jungkook!" but Jungkook dismissed it casually, saying "Chill out, Hyung! It'll get okay!"

This response left Yoongi exasperated, and he couldn't help but express his frustration. "I can't with you, Jungkook like I can't! You don't listen to me!" he said with an angry gaze. However, Jungkook's cute chuckle softened Yoongi's mood, and he couldn't maintain his angry facade. "Yoongi Hyung, you're so cute!" Jungkook said, admiring his hying's cute expressions.

This made Yoongi protest, "Shut up! I'm a Greek god handsome man, not the cute one!" but with a whining tone. Jungkook couldn't resist teasing him and replied with a small smile, "Oh my god, Hyung! You're so dramatic!"

Yoongi admitted to it with a sigh, "I am! Now get me a script of a drama show!" and Jungkook agreed, "Sure, sure!"

As they drove on, Jungkook noticed that Yoongi was getting tired and suggested he should sleep. "Hyung, go to sleep! It'll take four more hours to reach there!" he said as he turned off the light of the car, which was inside the car middle of the car roof. Yoongi complied, rolling his eye masks on his eyes, and listening to the soft melody of the song playing inside the car, "Wild Flower" by the artist RM, he soon drifted off to sleep.

Jungkook was driving down the road, with the sun shining brightly outside. In the background, the song "Wild Flower" by the artist RM was playing on repeat. As he listened to the song, he found himself getting lost in the lyrics, feeling the emotions behind the words.

The song resonated with Jungkook, as it spoke about the power of fame and being famous. He could relate to it on a personal level, having experienced the highs and lows of being in the public eye. Despite the glamour and glitz that comes with fame, he found solace in simplicity and peace.

However, he was also aware of the darker side of life, which was slowly consuming him. He didn't want to lose himself in the chaos of it all and was constantly trying to find a way to balance his personal life with his heir status.


The flight attendant's voice boomed through the microphone, breaking the silence inside the plane. "We hope you enjoyed your journey with us. Thank you for flying with our airline, and we wish you a pleasant stay at your destination," she said, her tone friendly and warm. The wide-shouldered man sitting in seat 36D signed in relief.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to South Korea," the flight attendant continued, her voice commanding attention. "We have now landed and arrived at our final destination. We kindly ask that you remain seated with your seatbelts fastened until the aircraft comes to a complete stop and the seat belt sign is turned off." The plane descended slowly, and the passengers held on tight to their seatbelts.

As soon as the plane came to a complete stop, the flight attendant wished all the passengers well and commanded that the passengers could open their seatbelts. The wide-shouldered man took his briefcase, which was stowed in the overhead compartment, and walked out of the plane. He breathed in the South Korean air softly and took a moment to observe his surroundings. The bustling airport was filled with people from all walks of life. The man felt a sense of excitement and anticipation as he walked down the stairs of the plane and stepped on South Korean soil.

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