
55 9 15

3rd person pov

As Jungkook was trying to squeeze a lemon with his finger wound, a man's voice came from behind. The man was tall and had a sharp jawline with a perfectly chiseled nose, complementing his overall look. "I can help you make a drink for the pretty princess!" he said, his voice light and playful. Jungkook turned around and was immediately annoyed by the man's comment. "First of all, I'm not your princess! Second of all, don't just stand there and stare, use your hand now!" he retorted, his tone sharp and irritated.

The man calmly took the lemon and squeezed it into Jungkook's drink. "Oh my my! Calm down, princess! Too much anger will lead to acidity!" he said jokingly, his eyes crinkling with amusement. Jungkook, amused by the comment, chuckled as he sipped on his tequila. "What?! The acidity from anger? Did you fail biology, dude?" he said playfully.

The man, not one to take things too seriously, replied and also introduced himself, "Ah, no! I failed at every subject, dude! I'm the handsome Hulk Taehyung!" Jungkook, impressed by Taehyung's sense of humor, introduced himself with a playful grin. "I'm the brother of Elon Musk!" he said, adding to the playful banter between the two.

"Wow! I'm so broke for Tesla!" exclaimed Taehyung dramatically as he took a sip of his blue drink. "Please gift me a Tesla car!" Jungkook giggled and replied, "Sure, sure! I'll do that!" Curious about Jungkook's real name, Taehyung asked, "By the way, what's your real name?" Jungkook, being playful, responded, "I'm Rihanna's brother, Drake!" Taehyung chuckled and said, "Dude, please don't joke! Are you going to only joke and joke? Are you going to sign yourself up for a joker role?"

With a grin on his face, Jungkook replied, "Okay, stop glaring! I'm Ggukie!" Taehyung gave a smile and said, "Oh, that's a nice name for a pretty princess!" However, he received a deadly glare from Jungkook, so he quickly corrected himself, "Oh, hahaha, not a princess! You're a bad boy with a cute name!"

Taehyung took a sip of his drink and remarked, "Judging by your name, you sound very wealthy!" Jungkook replied with a playful tone, "Well, not only am I Elon Musk's brother, but I'm also Rihanna's brother. So, I'm rich!" Taehyung chuckled and responded, "You're funny!" as he turned his attention toward the dance floor.

Jungkook gazed at Taehyung with a sense of wonder in his eyes, taking in every detail of his striking features. His large doe-like eyes widened as he took in Taehyung's unparalleled handsomeness, which seemed to radiate a unique charm that was hard to ignore. Taehyung's sharp features, like his chiseled jawline and perfectly curved nose, could easily slice through anything in its path, including Jungkook's fingers.

Jungkook found himself lost in Taehyung's mesmerizing tiger-like eyes, which had a sharpness and intensity that seemed to captivate him. Taehyung's nose was another striking feature that caught Jungkook's attention, with its sharp and elegant curve that perfectly complemented his overall look. His moles, located on his lower lip, at the edge of his nose, and under his right eye, were so alluring and tempting that Jungkook couldn't help but feel drawn to them.

Taehyung's skin tone was a beautiful honey-tan color as if honey was dripping from the sun and onto his skin. Jungkook couldn't help but admire Taehyung's overall attractiveness, which seemed to set him apart from others. Jungkook found himself so lost in his admiration that he almost reached out to touch Taehyung's face, but he quickly snapped out of it and took his hand back to himself.

"Taehyung, you're truly attractive!" Jungkook said, capturing Taehyung's complete attention. "Do you really think so?" Taehyung asked, wanting to make sure Jungkook meant it. "I don't just think so, I believe it!" Jungkook replied confidently. "Aaaaaah! Thank you!" Taehyung blushed and exclaimed.

"Wow, Taehyung! Your blushing looks so cute on you!" Jungkook laughed. "Shut up!" Taehyung whined. "Okay, okay!" Jungkook stood up from the stool. "Are you leaving already?" Taehyung asked, watching Jungkook's quick exit. "Yeah, I am! See you soon, I think!" Jungkook said and left, leaving Taehyung confused by his sudden departure.

Jungkook staggered out of the dimly lit bar, his hand clutching his chest tightly. The pain that emanated from within was intense, causing him to wince and grit his teeth. The cool night air did little to alleviate his discomfort, and his footsteps became increasingly hurried as he made his way down the parking area street. Despite his attempts to ignore it, the pain continued to throb relentlessly, leaving him feeling helpless and uncertain about what to do next.

Jungkook was walking towards his car, a sleek and shiny new Mercedes-Benz E-Class Sedan that was yet to be released to the public. He had made this exclusive car his own with his wealth and influence. As he approached the driver's side door, he felt a more intense wave of pain emanating from his chest. The pain was so sharp that it made it difficult for him to breathe, and he struggled to take in each breath. His hands trembled with fear and agony as he tried to remove his coat, revealing three buttons up his shirt.

Despite the excruciating pain, he mustered all his strength and tried to sit down in the driver's seat, but the pain didn't subside. He could feel his chest constricting, making it difficult for him to take in air. The pain was so intense that he couldn't even bring himself to turn the key in the ignition. He felt helpless and scared, unable to comprehend what was happening to him.

As the pain gradually subsided, he was finally able to breathe more easily, but his teary eyes betrayed the pain he was still enduring in his chest, making it difficult for him to fully relax. Jungkook took long, deep breaths, trying to calm himself and alleviate the discomfort caused by his heart. He knew he needed to take a break and rest, to regain his strength and composure.

The moment was overwhelming and daunting, making him realize the fragility of life. He made a mental note to take better care of his health going forward.

Jungkook reached his home, headed straight to his bathroom, and took a long, cold shower to refresh himself. The water felt like a much-needed relief after a hectic day. Jungkook then changed into his comfortable clothes and headed to the dining table where his father was already waiting for him. They talked about their day while enjoying a delicious homemade dinner. After dinner, Jungkook went to his balcony and looked up at the night sky. He felt a sense of peace as he saw a star shining brightly in the sky. It reminded him of his mother, who had passed away years ago. Jungkook often wrote letters to his mother in his diary, and he decided to do the same this night.

Dear Ma,

I hope you are doing well. I wanted to share something with you that has been on my mind for a little while now. I recently met a man who caught my attention with his striking tiger-like eyes. His name is Taehyung, and I must admit, he is very handsome and charming. We had a great time joking and laughing together, which is something I never thought I would experience with anyone other than my Yoongi hyung.

I know you may have concerns since I'm a mafia son, but I don't want to doubt Taehyung. I trust my instincts, and I feel that he is a good person but suspicious and mysterious too. However, if I find anything suspicious in the future, I will investigate it thoroughly.

I can't help but mention how adorable Taehyung's blushy cheeks are. It's the cutest thing I've ever seen. On another note, I've been experiencing chest pains and breathlessness lately, but I don't want to visit a doctor or take medicine. I thought it would be best to take care of myself for now.

I hope you are doing well, and I miss you a lot. Goodnight Ma, may you shine bright like a star in the night sky.

Your little ggukie


TADA !!!!!!!!


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