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His heart is in tangles
and mind is a mess.

With grief all around him, he finds himself drowning in the wrathful waves of the sea of regrets.

And now he wakes up at night
Desiring to count the innumerable stars rather than all the problems~:)

Aadrika's POV

Entering the school, I was overcome with an intense sensation and an overwhelming feeling battling inside of my heart as my lips turned up into a grin and wetting my chapped lips, I firmly grasp the strap of my shoulder bag and think back to the memories.

Afterwards, I happened to be walking by the group of young children, and as soon as their sinless eyes fell upon me, they all greeted me enthusiastically and I could not help but flashed them a small smile.

Nodding at their morning greetings, I strolled past the students.

Their eagerness to have me teach their class was evident in the well-formed curiosity in their eyes as it feels like looking for a needle in a desert whenever a teacher gives a gentle smile instead of projecting an angry, old-fashioned look.

Dusting of chalk catch my attention and a nostalgia strike my heart and it flutter with immense pleasure. I viewed eye catching paintings on walls and felt amused my these little one creativity.

My footsteps dragged me towards the staff cabinet and there I was introduced my some few teachers who happened to start their career just few days ago, including some my old buddies who heartily conveyed me heartfelt congratulations for getting hitched as well as rejoining again.

My method of expressing my gratitude is through a charming smile accompanied by a quiet "thank you."

Following a few minutes. I checked my schedule and stepped ahead for my first class of the day.

8th A1 it reads, I heaved a sigh for relaxing my heart beat as it skyrocketed due to nervy waves which initiate to cloud my brain. I shook my head as I would mortified myself in class if I won't be able to overcome this feeling.

Corners of my lips kicked up a soft yet small smile and i stalked inside. In an instant, the children stood up and greeted me good morning, sprinkling words in a high-pitched voice akin to a rapper.

"Gooooood moooooorning maaaaam."

The fact that I had been in their shoes during my school years did not bother me at all.

I couldn't help however allowed a humorous laugh to passed and asked them to take their respective seats.

"Kids, would you mind answering me a really basic question?" Taking a chalk from the chalkboard, I asked.

All of them simply nodded in agreement and turned to face me with eyes welled up with curiosity.

"When you picture a farmer, what kind of image comes to your mind abruptly ?" I asked, arching my one of the eyebrow.

"Obviously a big and powerful man, ma'am". They all responded simultaneously, staring at me to praise them on providing the correct response-which wasn't, in reality.

"Well, statistics show that 83.6 percent of working women are employed in agriculture; their tasks include weeding, planting, harvesting and threshing. Yet, when we think of a farmer we only think of a man." I petted the glass covering of my wristwatch and explained to them why.

"But is not that a stereotype, ma'am?" With his glasses positioned perfectly on the bridge of his nose, a boy by the name of Himanshu inquired.

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