Hazbin hotel: First Sinner

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The battle was over after a long drawn out fight.

It was over the moment lucifer joined in.

"Don't forget!"

Lucifer, the Morning star. The First fallen angel and the King of Hell spoke with such fury accompanied with a malicious Smile.

His mind filled with Red after Adam's failed attack on his own Daughter. Adam, coming so close to wiping his daughter off of the face of hell.

'My daughter? MY DAUGHTER?!'

Is what he could only think about as he pummeled adan's face over and over again. His hands igniting in hellish flames as his horns grew sharper.

"You're in my house now BITCH!"

Adam wasn't doing so good, he can already feel his own life flashing right before his eyes. Of his perfect life in the Garden of Eden, lilith leaving, Eve eating the Apple, then over the course of his natural human life was his duty as a Father.

Cain. Abel.

These thoughts were shaken out of him once he felt Lucifer's flames supercharging, his eyes squint at tge brightness of it as it stayed afloat above Lucifer's head with his arms raised upwards.

He was going to die, but he doesn't want to die.
He doesn't wanttodiehedoesn'twanttodiehedoesntwanttodie



The searing heat stopped, he couldn't hear what she said but he was spared. He huffed, heaved, reaching and gasping for the precious air no matter how tainted it was in Hell. He was.. Spared.

"How's mercy taste.. You little bitch."

But his pride was wounded, his ego shattered as his dignity as the first man. As the Fucking Dickmaster had just been disrespected- No. Humiliated!

The veins in his body felt stretched due to his blood pressure rising, boiling.

"N-no.. No, you don't get to end this.."

Adam had to suppress his urge to gasp, to stutter due to the pain wreaking havoc across his body as he shakingly stood up.

Lucifer and Charlie, meeting their cast half-way had turned to look at the crater that Adam was in to find him steadily climbing up.

Adam looked like he was going to blow, yet he didn't look threatening anymore.

He looks like a little man throwing a God damn tantrum.

"I'm Adam! I'm fucking Adam!"

Adam Seethed, trying his best to keep himself steady as he couldn't think straight. He was discombobulated, dizzy, and he's sure he has internal bleeding. Maybe even a concussion but he didn't care to put self-care first.

These.. sinners, these losers had beaten him.

He didn't like that.

His eyes scour at the group of sinners in front of him. Angel Dust didn't seem impressed at the man's tantrum, neither does Husk.

Vaggie looked ready to strike back at the man and lucifer looked bored.

Charlie, the blessed soul that she is did not show signs of concern, only nervousness.

Cherrie looked as though he was waiting for him to finish his piece just so she could finish the Job.

Adam seethed further, his arms flailing about as he sharply looked at them all with anger and hate.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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