The Backrooms

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A strange rather large room void of any life, or anything of any interest. Just a plain room that appears like a 1960 office space, with its pale yellow walls, fluorescent lights, and stained brown carpet.

It's rather bright, with an annoying buzz from the out dated lights seemingly similar to attic lights. Other than that there's not much else to this place, just a boring empty out dated room.

A glimpse of a line appears, as it starts to vigorously widen letting out an intolerable screeching, nothing that could ever possibly resemble a Human or any living creature.

It abruptly ends.

Its ripped itself into a bigger space, it appears to be big enough to fit a person or maybe a-

" AAAAAHHHHHHHH " from the sudden rip is space a mutant falls through, just as sudden as his screams. Thankfully his fall his broken with the carpet that's so flat you could feel the hard floor underneath.

He's luck doesn't seem to run out there with the disgusting carpet, as it's so evidently wet, like cup of water could have been just spilled there.

" Agh " the mutant stuck in a daze from his fall, larger than he had once expected it. Pushes himself up dragging his arm sore with pain to his face in a attempt to settle his piecing headache, " Ralph what the fu- " he hisses, coming to a halt when he finally takes to opening his eyes, his eyes widen, the turtles in absolute shock. But that quickly mixes with horror of his new surroundings.

He shoots up, shambling to get to his feet, he staggers for a moment after his headache worsens from the suddenness of the action, but he forces his eyes open once again the absolute terror in his eyes as he frantically spins his head around in a desperate attempt to find anything, anything at all to tell him where he is or even why? But he finds nothing... " nothing, nothing, nothing " mumbled as his face drops, it's settling in.

He as no idea where he is, and so far the place is seemingly endless, and he has nothing, nothing except what he had before the fall, but that was incredibly little.

With little choice he goes onward farther into this ominous world, not like sitting around would do him much good. So off he goes with as much certainty as he could muster, disappearing into the next room to find what lies ahead.



Once again the same room as before a 1960 office space, with those same buzzing out dated fluorescent lights, with the horrible stained carpet, and yellow walls. Although this time it appears as though some time has passed since our last time here, the wallpaper seems to be falling off, and the carpet seems to be growing moss now. The room is just as empty as before, nothing of interest except for the new wear on the room.

Again like before a thin line in the middle of the room appears, though this time it's does not tear apart the air, or screeches, this time it cuts a fine line that widens enough for a someone to fit through, just like expected a mutant falls threw, the same one as before, the same purple masked turtle, though missing his gear from before?

He groans, aching from the fall. He manages to pull himself up with all his limbs throbbing, pulling himself together he opens his eyes.

He blinks a few times eyes not used to how bright the lights are, but when he gets used to them he quickly takes notice of his strange surroundings, Surprisingly he seems to have little to no reaction to this place, like it's always been this way for him did he not just fall from his world he lived in for 15 years? How could he just be so calm. Not a single hint of fear, horror, terror, just a blank face.

He doesn't say a thing the whole time not as he brings himself to his feet, nor when he takes a closer look at his surroundings. Just like a curious child.

Taking notice of the other rooms he finds himself shuffling over to the next room, more withered away as well, more time has passed then once thought. Could have been months or even years... who knows all that's certain is that there's not much to do but continue on ward to the next room, whatever lies ahead after that.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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