þ𝖗ī𝖙𝖎ġ-Þ𝖗ī (𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞-𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊)

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"It's okay... shhh." Garret whispers.

"How?" I whisper. 

"Shh... just have some hope." He smiles.

"Where? I can't see it." I say.

"I can't either." He says.

I chuckle slightly. He lifts my head up. He brushes off the tears on my face. How is he still so calm? He was stabbed! He's injured. My antlers were cut off. Everything is spinning out of control. We can't find the sword. We can't find anything. 

"Hope is never seen." He says.

"I know." I sigh.

"You just have to believe it's there." He says.

"How? I don't know how anymore." I say.

"Is it because of me?" He asks.

"No! No. It's just..." I start.

I press my face against his chest. I feel his heart. It's strong still. Not fading. Not withering. Not panicking. Calm pace. A strong pace. How...? Hope... I can no longer see it. I cannot feel it as I once did. I had hoped so long to see more of my kind, but now... I can only see darkness. I let out a yawn.

"Someone's tired." He says.

"Must I sleep?" I ask looking up at him.

He smiles and lifts my head up. 

"You should." He says. 

I nod. I curl up. I use his chest as a pillow.

"Good night." He says.

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