Season 1 Bio

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Name: Sammy Emily

Nicknames: Sam, Luz and Camila are the only ones who call him that

Gender: Male

Age: 15 y/o

Height: 4,1 foot tall/ 1,2 meters tall

Species: Human

Occupation: Student

Hobbies: Puppeteering; Collecting music boxes

Likes: His puppets; Luz and her mom; His family; Making puppet shows

Dislikes: His puppets or music boxes being broken; Nightmares; Luz being sad; Being held, grabbed or touched without consent

Favorite food: Pizza. Literally any pizza.

Favorite drink: Sparkling water

Skills: Puppeteering; Perfect hearing; Molding

Looks: White hair, dark grey eyes and porcelain pale skin. He normally wears a long black wool shirt with sleeves covering his hands, along with grey pants and black shoes.

Personality: Sammy is a very shy boy. He doesn't talk much due to shyness and social anxiety. Despite this, he enjoys being in the company of people he trusts. He isn't a confrontational person, preferring to avoid problems and fights. He gets easily flustered, and doesn't like to make eye contact. He is so quiet most of the time, it's easy not to notice his presence.

Prized Possession: A marionette his dad gave him on his 8th birthday, which marked the start of his passion for puppet shows. The marionette in question is pitch black, save for the white mask with two holes for eyes and a hole in the shape of a mouth smiling wide. Two lines of purple paint go from the down side of the eyes to the mouth. It has two red cheeks along with red lipstick at the center top and bottom of the mouth. It's very lanky and has an oval chest with three buttons vertically attached, three fingers on each hand and stilt legs. It has various horizontal white stripes on the arms and legs. Sammy simply calls it Puppet, since it was the first of his collection, so it makes it THE Puppet of his collection.

Relationships with the Noceda's:

Luz Noceda: Girlfriend- Luz met Sammy shortly after he and his family moved to Gravesfield when he was 10 and she was 9. They didn't get along at first, with Sammy trying to avoid her, but slowly she broke through his barriers and managed to befriend him. Upon transferring to Gravesfield High School, Luz stuck to him like glue, and has been like that ever since. Three years later, Luz ended up confessing to Sammy, who surprised her by confessing himself, leading to the two forming a romantic relationship.

Camila Noceda: Mother in law- Camila and Mary, Sammy's mom, got along well at first meeting and instantly became best friends. They usually go out for coffee and talk when out of work, normally about their kids. Camila fully supports her daughter's relationship with Sammy, and is happy she found someone to love. She dotes on Sammy like a son.


"I like balloons..."

"Have a present. I got a lot of them to give."

"~~Ninety years without slumbering, tick tock, tick tock~~"

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