A Lying Witch and a Warden

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Somewhere underground, in a cave with sharp rocky protrusions everywhere, a woman with green hair holding a staff back flips onto a cliff edge and glares at her opponent. A giant purple snake with fins along it's back, two horns on it's head and bright yellow eyes. "Foolish child! I could swallow you whole!" It hisses and opens it's mouth, revealing it's sharp teeth. The woman points at the snake defiantly. "Do not underestimate me, Gildersnake, for I am the Good Witch Azura, warrior of peace!" She pauses for dramatic flare, before holding her staff like a rocket launcher. "Now eat this, sucka!" The gem on the end of the staff lights up in red and shoots off a fireball that explodes on the snake's face, making it recoil in pain. "No! My only weakness: dying!" Azura shoots another fireball, and Gildersnake falls into the chasm, defeated.

Back to reality, turns out this encounter was a story told by Luz Noceda, who is holding an Azura doll in one hand and a live snake in the other. "And that's the end." She stares at two other people in the room. Principal Hal, who raises an eyebrow at Luz, and Camila Noceda, Luz's mother. "The end of what?" Camila says, obviously confused. "My book report." The snake in her hand bites the doll's head, but she doesn't react. "I think I knocked it out of the park." 

Principal Hal holds his head in frustration. "Your book report is why you're in here." He motions to the office door, which has a window to see what's going on outside. Several students run around in panic because of the snakes, some having snakes holding onto their heads. Luz doesn't seem all that disturbed. "Oh. That's where the backup snakes went." Camila pulls out a bundle of firecrackers tied together. "And what were you going to do with this?" Luz looks down in shame. "That was for the act three closer." Camila approaches Luz and kneels in front of her, speaking in a sympathetic tone. "Mija, I love your creativity, but it's gotten out of hand. Do you remember why you were in the principal's office the last three times?"

She remembers those times. One was where she participated in an audition for a Romeo and Juliet play, were she held a spork aimed at her chest. "O happy dagger, give me death!" She stabs her chest and rips her dress, allowing for several sausage links to fall out. Everyone runs away while screaming. A single boy in a seat in front of the stage claps slightly, trying not to be too loud.

Her second time was during the science fair, where she built a baby griffin model using embalmed squirrel and pigeon parts. She she's done, she drops the needle she was using to sew it all together. "Now for the final anatomically correct touch, spider breath." She opens the model's beak and various spiders crawl out, quickly spreading to other tables and scaring everyone, while Luz stands there, covered in spiders, unbothered. The same boy from last time is cleaning his presentation on human anatomy using puppets when he sees the spiders crawl around his table. He just stares before turning to Luz, who smiles sheepishly and shrugs.

Her last moment was in the cheerleading tryouts, where most girls, using the school's cheerleader uniforms, are taking this seriously and trying their best. Luz, on the other hand... "You think that's an impressive trick?" She throws her pompoms away. "Take a look at this." She turns around, and once she turns back, she reveals her eyelids flipped inside out. "Bleep, bloop, bleep!" All the girls cream and run away. The same boy is nearby, organizing the gym's supplies. He looks at Luz before going back to his task.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29 ⏰

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