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I walked into the building where they were alledgedly keeping Gia. I cocked my gun before I placed my finger on the trigger, my men followed me into the building and we searched the entire building but Gia was nowhere to be found.

"Capo-" one of my men spoke from behind me so I angrily glared at him.

"If you speak I will kill you." I angrily told him and he decided to keep quiet. "Alex!" I angrily yelled and he came jogging over to me.

"Viktor!" I heard Kemal calling me so I turned around to face him.

"They led us to the wrong fucking address." I angrily told Kemal and he ran a hand over his face.

"They must've taken her to one of their hideouts. A warehouse, maybe." I said and Alex nodded at me.

"We'll split up, boss. Our men will search every warehouse in the area." He told me.

"Gavrill, go with our men. Alex you're coming with me and Kemal." I told him and he nodded at me.

At the moment Alex is the only person I trust in my mafia. This is also the perfect opportunity for Gavrill to prove himself.

"I might know where they are. Ozan bought a house outside the city for him and Gia not too long ago." Kemal told me so I clenched my jaw.

"Let's go." I told them before we left the building together.

We jumped into our individual Jeeps before we followed Kemal down the road. He drove up a mountain road and I frowned deeply.

Ozan wanted to live here with Gia? The thought of what he might've done to her here, how he might've abused her while nobody else was around, was enough to drive me insane. I don't regret killing him.

Kemal stopped in front of a house that seemed to still be under construction. The lights were on inside and there were cars lined up at the back of the house.

Kemal might be right. This might be where they're holding Gia captive. I got out of my car and Kemal came walking up to me.

"How do you want to do this?" He asked me.

"I'll take the inside, you and Alex can take the men at the back." I told Kemal and he nodded at me. He grabbed a machine gun from his trunk and Alex handed my STM 556 over to me.

Kemal and Alex went around the house, to where the cars stood lined up so I walked up to the house. I kicked the door down before shooting the first man that appeared in front of me. I moved past him and shot another man standing in the kitchen.

I jogged upstairs and found that it was empty. I made my way downstairs again and stopped in my tracks when I saw a man dressed in a black suit making his way down a dark hallway in the house. 

I watched him entering a room at the end of the hallway so I narrowed my eyes in suspicion before I followed him there. I carefully opened a door that led to a basement like room. The lights were on inside so I tried to be as quiet as possible.

I froze in my spot when I heard Gia screaming. I slowly and carefully walked down the stairs until I could see her, she was tied up, sitting on a couch while the man from earlier stood in front of her with a baseball bat.

I frowned when I saw a dead body to Gia's left. There was another large built man lying in front of Gia. I silently continued my way downstairs while the man in front of Gia raised his hand at her.

She noticed me and her eyes lit up with happiness. I gestured for her to keep quiet until I reached the bottom of the stairs.

I shot the man in front of Gia in the back of his leg and he screamed before he fell to the ground. He reached for his gun but I stepped on his hand, making him grunt in pain.

I looked over at Gia and she was staring back at me with tears in her eyes.

"Do it." She softly told me before she squeezed her eyes shut. I clenched my jaw before I shot him in the head. I put my gun down before I walked over to Gia.

I loosened the ropes around her wrists and ankles and as soon as she was free she wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm sorry, my love." I told her before I placed a kiss on top of her head.

"Thank you for saving me." She uttered through her sobs so I pulled her into my chest.

"Let me take you home." I told her and she nodded at me before she got back up on her feet.

I saw someone moving on the ground so I grabbed my gun.

"No! Don't kill him, he helped me." Gia told me so I frowned lightly. "He's not like them." She added so I lowered my gun.

"Let's just get you home, Kemal and Alex already took care of their men outside." I told Gia and she nodded at me in understanding.

We made our way out of the house before we walked over to my car. I helped Gia get inside the car and she thanked me afterwards.

"Gia!" I heard Kemal yelling, he came running over to us before he pulled Gia into a tight hug from where she was sitting in the car.

"Are you okay?" He asked her and she nodded at him, they hugged each other once again so I climbed in on my side of the car. Alex gave Gia a hug and she thanked him and Kemal before I broke up the moment they were having.

"We need to go before the cops show up." I seriously told them and they nodded at me. I waited for them to get into their cars before I drove down the road.

"I love you, Viktor." Gia softly told me so I frowned lightly before I looked over at her.

"I love you more, beautiful." I told her and she placed her hand in mine. "Only you." I softly added and she smiled at my words.

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