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It was Wednesday evening, the Volleyball teams were sitting outside in the grass chatting and relaxing after a hard day of practice. Lucky them the coaches decided to give them a day off on Thursday, mainly because its gonna be hot and probably unbearable to actually practice.

Tsukishima and Tobio were sitting with Akaashi, Bokuto, Kuroo, Kenma and  Lev. Due to the presence of the Nekoma players, the couple didn't sit next to each other. While Tobio sat between Akaashi and Kenma, Kei was seated next to Kenma and Bokuto.
But of course they glanced at each other all the time, which made Akaashi roll his eyes a few times. Secretly Kei's hand was on top of his lovers ones behind the Nekoma setter, gently stroking it with his thumb.

The atmosphere was calm, everyone was just enjoying the moment. Here and there you could hear other players talk and laugh, or you could hear Kenma pressing the buttons on his PSP, letting some sounds out when the game isn't going to plan.

The silence was broken by Bokuto, who let out a loud laugh while looking at his Phone, receiving many annoyed stares for it.

„What are you laughing at Bokuto-san?" Tobio asked curiously.

„Seijo just announced their Spirit week. I can't wait for the Gender swap day" Bokuto explained and turned around his phone, showing the young setter the announcement post the instagram page of the school posted. It included the five different themes they are gonna have to dress like, one of them being gender swap.

Tobio couldn't stop himself from laughing. His old Teammates in feminine clothes, just rhetorical thought of that was hilarious to him.

„We should do something like that too!" The Fukurodani Ace shouted.

„Hell no" Kei and Kenma said in sync, shooting a death glare at Bokuto.

„commoonnn, that would be fun!" He pouted, looking at Akaashi, Kuroo, Lev and Tobio for back up.

Lev just nodded excitedly, Kuroo also wasn't all that bothered by the idea. Tobio was skeptical. He did think the idea sounds like fun, but on the other hand he knows his boyfriend definitely didn't like that idea.

Akaashi thought about it for a few seconds before saying his thoughts out loud. „Seems like the opinions are split, so why don't we just go shopping tomorrow so the ones who want to can do their gender swap things and the others don't?"

„You're so smart Akaashiiiiiii" Bokuto shouted as he threw himself on the setter, which let out a loud groan while trying to safe himself.

Kei looked to his right side at his boyfriend. He knew how much the younger loved to dress more feminine. So even though he won't be participating tomorrow, he was happy for his beloved one to get the perfect opportunity to do what he loves.

Tobio felt that someone was starting at him, so he started to look around until his eyes met the golden ones of his boyfriend. His lips turned into a smile as he slowly blinked twice.

It was a secret code for "I love you". They started using it after Tobio once found a Video on Instagram which said that this is the way to say your cat that you love them. Since that day they use that little code to show affection for one another when they can't say it out loud.

Of course Kei did it back and also gave the smaller one a little smile.


„You're not really good at hiding him"


Its 2 a.m.

Kenma and Kei were looking at each other in front of the vending machine.

„Your boyfriend"

„What are you talking about"

„Kageyama. He's your "secret" boyfriend, isn't he?"

Kei didn't say anything, just blankly starring at the older student.

„Mhm, though so"

With that Kenma started to walk away with the snack in his hands that he just bought.

„How did you know?"

Kei shouted after him after he woke up out of his daydream.

„Eyes don't lie"

The setter said as he lifted his free hand to wave before he opened the Nekoma door and left.

Kei shook his head and turned back to the machine, pressing the Button number 17 to get a Strawberry milk.

You might have already guessed it.

The milk is for Tobio.

Five minutes before he met Kenma, he was fast asleep. Until he felt a weight on his chest. At first he was confused, until he saw the soft black hair.

„Tobio" he mumbled.

He didn't respond.

„had Bad dream?"

The blonde felt a little nod on his chest.

„Want me to get you some Milk?"

A nod again.


This time he felt the younger shook his head.



Kei smiled a Little.

„Okay, I'll be back in a few minutes"

He said as he stroked trough the soft hair before getting up and leaving the room.


„Here" he said and handed the little, pink box to the setter.

„Thank you" Tobio thanked and sat up, opening the straw and putting it in the hole. He took a few sips before holding it in front of Kei's face. „Want some?" he asked as he slightly leaned his head to the side.

Kei smiled at the cute sight and put the straw in his mouth. „Mhm, almost as delicious as you" he winked.

„Kei!" Tobio whispered shouted at his boyfriend while pulling his drink back.

„Sorry sorry" Kei laughed.


„you love that Asshole"

„Sadly I do"

„I love you too Tobio"

„Yeah, yeah"


„oh shut up"

„Only if you say it back"

The taller grabbed Tobio by his waist, pulling him into his lab and burring his head into the smallers neck, slightly biting into it"

„Stop that!"

„Then say it"

Kei grinned as he slowly licked over the spot and placed his teeth back on the neck.

„Okay okay! I love you too! Now let go of me you perv!"

Tobio squeezed as he escaped out of his boyfriends grip, trying desperately to hide his blushing face.

Kei just smirked as he lied back down, pulling Tobio with him.

„Lets go back to sleep and talk about your dream tomorrow, okay?"

„Mhm, okay" Tobio answered, leaning more into his boyfriends chest, not caring about whats going to happen when they wake up again.

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