The Boardwalk

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Stars Viewpoint

It was an ordinary night out on the boardwalk like any other David, Marko, Paul, and Dwayne where out hunting, so I was taking care of laddie. I loved taking care of laddie he was like a son to me. As we walked around the boardwalk, laddie made me go on all the rides there. First, we went on the ferris wheel, then the dodgems. After we went on those, I told him to wait until the boys got back to go on the other rides. We walked around all the stools. I even played some games and won Laddie a giant teddy bear, which he carried around the whole time.  It got to about 11pm when Laddie started to get hungry, so I took him to a burger place on the boardwalk.

Just as laddie and I sat down, I heard the noise of people screaming and the sound of motorbike engines reving I knew that could only mean one thing. The boys were back. As laddie sat next to his teddy bear, devouring his burger and chips, the boys came over Paul, and Marko sat on each side of laddie while Dwayne sat in the corner next to me and David the other side of me. "So Laddie, where did u get the giant teddy bear from?" Dwayne asked him to which the boys agreed along, and Laddie responded back, saying,"Star got it for me it was so cool of her." We all continued small talk until laddie finished his food. Paul and Marko were talking to laddie, and sometimes, I and dwayne would join in, but other than that, we sat next to each other, enjoying eachothers company whilst David would sit there grumpily and talk to the odd few waitresses that walked by.

After laddie finished his food, we left to go take Laddie on more rides. We went on the waltzers (that didn't go to well), the carousel which led to David flirting with one of the surf nazis girlfriends and cause the boys and the surf nazis to get into a fight. We then eventually made our self's to the fun house where Paul and Marko got majorly high and had the time of there life's with Laddie. Even David joined in on there fun whilst I and Dwayne stayed back, making small talk and enjoying eachothers company. After we went on a few more rides, David headed back to the cave with Paul and Marko. Whilst I, Dwayne and Laddie, when around the boardwalk, as we were walking along the boardwalk, an old lady walked by us and dropped her bags on the floor. I went over to go help her pick her bags up, and Dwayne and Laddie came over to help as well. After we helped the poor old lady, she said, "Thank you, my look at you three u make a lovley family and its a good thing your teaching your son respect and manners. You better make sure to take care of them, mister, " she pointed to Dwayne as she said that as the lady was saying these words i noticed dwayne looking at me through the side of my eye. As I and Dwayne were about to correct the poor old woman, she walked away and gave us her best regards. As the old woman disappeared out of our sight, Dwayne and I both turned to each other and gave an awkward smile, and we headed back to the cave before sundown.

As we arrived back in the cave, Dwayne helped me tuck Laddie into bed before he smiled at me and went to the back of the cave to go to sleep with the boys. As I fell asleep with Laddie in my arms, I couldn't help but think about the words the old woman said to us, as I thought of wht she said and the look I could see Dwayne giving me ran shivers down my neck and I could feel butterfly's in my stomach. Eventually, I dozed of too  with the thought of what the lady said stuck in my head.

Dwaynes point of view

As I and the boys left the cave that night, we headed to drop of Laddie and star on the boardwalk walk and look for dinner. Eventually, I and the boys came across a group of tourists who were high and drunk. We knew they wouldn't be missed, so we went straight in tearing them limb from limb. As the blood touched my lips, it gave me a euphoric feeling. It gave me the energy I would need to be able to handle Paul and Marko's behaviour tonight. As we finished the last of the victims, we picked up all the dead bodies and took to the sky to dump them in the ocean where they wouldn't be found for a while, we cleaned ourselves of in the tidal pools before we headed to the boardwalk to make ourselves look more presentable.

As we got back on our bikes, we headed to the boardwalk to go find Star and Laddie. As we came up, the stairs and onto the boardwalk we caused a massive ruckus, people were screaming, trying to get out of our way. As we made it to the area, where we usually parked our bikes, we parked them there when I smelt her. I smelt Star and Laddie close by, so I telepathically told the boys to follow me and that I knew where they were. As we continued to walk, we came to a holt when we saw them sitting in a booth at a burger place. We headed over, and all sat down with them, I sat in the corner next to Star with David on the other side of her, whilst Paul and Marko sat on either side of Laddie. I noticed Laddie had a giant teddy bear with him, so I asked him, " So Laddie, where did u get the giant  teddy bear from?". To which the other boys agreed along, Laddie answered in his cheerful tone, "Star got it for me it was so cool of her." As we waited for Laddie to finish his food, Paul and Marko were talking to him, and sometimes, me and Star would join in on the conversations and have a little talk of our own whilst David sat there grumpily and flirting with the odd few waitresses that passed by us.

After laddie finished his food, we left to go take Laddie on more rides. We went on the waltzers (that didn't go to well), the carousel which led to David flirting with one of the surf nazis girlfriends and caused us boys to have a fight whilst laddie and star stayed back. We then eventually made our self's to the fun house where Paul and Marko got majorly high and had the time of there life's with Laddie. Even David joined in on there fun whilst me and Star stayed back, making small talk and enjoying eachothers company. After we went on a few more rides, David headed back to the cave with Paul and Marko. Whilst me Star and Laddie went around the boardwalk, as we were walking along the boardwalk, an old lady walked by us and dropped her bags on the floor. Star went over to go help her pick her bags up, and eventually me and laddie went over to help as well. After we helped the poor old lady, she said, "Thank you, my look at you three u make a lovley family and its a good thing your teaching your son respect and manners. You better make sure to take care of them, mister, " she pointed to me as she said the last few words, as the old woman was saying these words i couldn'thelp but glance at Star. As me and Star we're about to correct the poor old woman, she walked away and gave us her best regards. As the old woman disappeared out of our sight, me and star both turned to each other and gave an awkward smile, and we headed back to the cave before sundown. 

As we arrived back in the cave, I  helped Star tuck Laddie into bed before I smiled at her and went to the back of the cave to go to sleep with the boys. As I fell asleep surrounded by the boys, I couldn't help but think about the words the old woman said to us, as I thought of wht she said and the look I gave Star I couldn't help but feel confused as to wht i was feeling it was like butterfly's were flying around in my stomach. Eventually, I dozed of too sleep with the thought of what the lady said stuck in my head.

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