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A/N this chapter hasn't been edited yet so there are lots of simple mistakes

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A/N this chapter hasn't been edited yet so there are lots of simple mistakes. I will be editing it later today but I wanted to get something out before I went to work. Also I published a new story this morning! Check it out!

LORENA watched as the construction workers worked on their new home.

Happy that they had gone with it. "I want the wall in the kitchen a light gray. The rest of the house should be more neutral colors. Then again can't have blood spilling on the walls." She said giggling with the contractor.

He had been compelled by Klaus to listen to the instructions Lorena gave. "Oh and the master, I want that one a darker grey. My husband and I sometimes spill a bit of our own blood." She said cheekily.

"Yes Ma'am." The man spoke.

Amelia smiled before she shooed him away. "Okay back to work." She paused as she felt a pressure behind her back before arms wrapped around her body.

"Nik." She turned around in his hold. "You're back. Any luck with Damon?"

"Made an offer, he knows what's best for him." Lorena rested her head against his chest sighing.

As Klaus looked to one of the hybrids calling her over. "Tell the contractor I want the wall opened. We need sun, I want a fortress, not a dungeon."

At that Tyler walked in through the door. "There he is, man of the hour." Lorena's head lifted from his chest as she stood next to her husband his arm still wrapped around her waist.

"So everything went okay?"

"Well despite the fact that Tony ran down Alaric instead of Jeremy, but apples, oranges." Klaus spoke shrugging. "Message lands the same."

"You said you were sending them a warning." Tyler spoke.

Lorena scoffed. "What were we supposed to do? Send them cookies? Sending a message doesn't mean talking, you have to show them. Or else they won't get the picture." She shrugged.

"It was quite an effective one." Klaus said. "Elena's family suffers, she's motivated to get me what I want."

"I didn't think we'd actually had to kill anyone." Tyler spoke getting heated.

"Calm down little hybrid, we always have to kill someone." Tyler looked at Lorena as she spoke still confused and angry before Klaus sighed. "Tyler mate. What you're feeling is remnant for a guilty conscience. And I need you to get over it okay?"

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