Like a flower

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(Disclaimer: I would just like to say that this isn't me dragging Christianity or anything like that. I am Christian as well. It's an inspiration that I've seen in the media and I wanted to see if I could write it. If any are offended, please don't hesitate to talk to me, but don't hate on this story. If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to reach out.
Don't forget to vote and comment below, love you.)


Honey bowed her head along with the rest of her family. Each holding hands of one another as they muttered the morning prayer before the ceremony began.

"Thank you Father for this holy day. We give our thanks and blessings to you O lord." Honey said as she did her cross around her two fingers around her forehead, two shoulder blades , and the center of her chest before kissing her fingers and holding them up to the sky.

"Raise heads." The church rose their heads at his commands. Honey traced over the holy Bible title over and over as she listened onto the Pastor's words and prayers. Her mother and father paid her no mind , but her older sister paused her tracing with her a glare and a gently stop by placing her own hand over Honey's.

Honey just smiled before looking from her older sister to the Pastor. Honey loved the church and was always here very Sunday and Wednesday with her family. But every little thing that she did, she got scowled by her family. She moved her eyes around the church taking in the flowers at the center of floor around the stage. The musicians seated beside the stage and rising their towels to wipe away any sweat off their forehead.

The sync "mmm" and "talk to them Pastor." While Honey nodded to mimic the sync phrases. Even though, loving the lord and his words; she could never stop praying about why her family was like this.

Always teaching that God sees everything and whatever simple thing you do is a sin in the eyes of God. Since Honey was a little girl, her mind knew that God loved all and never shamed anyone, it was his disciples that used the words against him.

Today's word had caught her attention, making her eyes fully focused on the Pastor as he spoke. His hands up in the high like wings, the colorful pieces of the window behind him looming him in a bright light.

"God has put us in this earth for us to find our purpose. What is our purpose I asked onto God. He said that , to not question his word, but his actions. When you leave this church, ask yourselves. What has God given you purpose for? Let us say the prayer."

"The people of the church say Amen."

Everyone got up to leave, but you knew your family. You were always the last to leave, either talking with the Pastor or saying another quick prayer for before going on the road. Honey started to follow along while she held her head down, but something peeked her interest through the crowd.

She rose your head over at the Pastor's stage to see him speaking with a family almost like yours. Honey gazed over at the family before a guy that looked similar in his early twenties stood. He had tattoos around his fingers, and a tiny cross at the back of his neck as he stood there. He wore a formal light blue button up shirt while he shook hands with the priest.

Honey smiled at the interaction, she wanted to pull her eyes away, but something drew her in with him. Not by the way he looked, but something within.

"Honey, let's go." She snapped from the family she was watching to hers who were glaring at her.

"Stop staring and let's go." Honey nodded in silence and grabbed her belongings to follow. She looked back to see the pastor speaking with him. The pastor's hand gestured over to her way. Their eyes meet briefly before he turned back to the pastor

She looked away from embarrassment and headed out the door. She wondered who he was.

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