Hold on WHAT

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A/n hey guys so hope u like this sorry for not posting I've been very busy lately anyway this is when they find out everything and then we will probably do I time skip to third year also Reagan is the main character so it'll mostly be her not really any of Harry's point of view just because we already know what happened his first second year so it's gonna follow her  Anyways, this is my first, fanfic so I hope you like it Enjoy.

Reagan's POV
Today was like any other day I woke to Harry shaking me and saying get up sleepy head .
I got out of bed and walked quietly downstairs with Harry.I then started cooking eggs and bacon while Harry started the coffee. About ten minutes later it was done. Harry poured cup of tea while I enjoy some  coffee. We stand by the window watching the sunrise. About minutes later we hear tUmP tUmP tUmP coming down the stairs. Right on time I mumble under my breath. Harry then shoots me a look . Uncle Vernon and aunt Petunia then come downstairs. Harry then serves them breakfast. while I go get the mail. When I'm walking back in with it a gasp when I see one with my name and one with Harry's . I sit the others one the table and walk to Harry in the living room but I don't get that far because Dudley snatched it out of my hands and bringing it to uncle Vernon. I yelled hEY give that back now it mine . uncle Vernon then said who would wanna write to you.

Time skip to when the house in the middle of nowhere

Me and hey, we're laying on the floor about to celebrate her birthday. it was cold and raining and we're still confused why they moved into the middle of nowhere so suddenly because of letters, we had no idea what they meant either why they were sent to us. right when it struck midnight, we celebrated our birthday until.THUMMM the door crashed down, and a huge man walked through. uncle Vernon ran down the stairs with a shotgun and threatened the man. 

___________ times skip

Happy birthday Reagan happy birthday Harry Hagrid said . thank you me and Harry said, are you excited to go to Hogwarts Hagrid asked what's Hogwarts I asked oh my you didn't tell them did you Hagrid asked uncle Vernon of course we didn't tell them. Why would we?! Tell us what Harry asked your wizard, Harry you're a witch dragon hold on what there's no way I'm a witch, I said, have you been to do something unexplainable, when you're mad or upset that nobody else can Hagrid asked yeah I said I told you you're a witch. Hagrid said wait how am I a witch your mother was a witch, and your father was a wizard Hagrid said but there's no way they died in a car crash I said no your parents weren't in the car, crash an evil wizard killed them the most evil wizard in the world. in the wizard world we call him you know who Hagrid said this is too much. I said. Oh here is your letters, Hagrid said as he handed us our letters I started reading mine

      Miss potter I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardly please go to platforms 9 3/4 September 1. Please have all of your books and your pet. Thank you. 

Professor Dumbledore

I can't believe this I'm a witch!

A/n i'm so sorry this chapter is short. I hope I can do a longer one in the future. I'm also so sorry I took so long to publish. I've been really busy and I started to lose hope in the story but then I saw that you guys were reading it and voting on it and it made me so happy and so encouraged I'm a new writer so I hope this is good. Please comment and vote and let me know if there's any errors I need to fix. I'm definitely open to suggestions. I hope you guys enjoy. Byeeee

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