Give Up And Get Out

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October 15 (Friday, they got out of school at 12:00)

"Chris! Your getting it everywhere!" My mom huffed, as she hovered over Chris and I while he dyed my hair. "No I am not" Chris said calmly. "I know what I'm doing mom." "Okay whatever you say." She said walking into the living room. "Don't worry sis, you're gonna look fabulous and Ricky is going to love it." Chris said as he put the last of the dye in my hair. "Okay." I said as I went to look at myself in the mirror. He got quite a bit on the top of my ears but other than that, its all in my hair. I walked back into the kitchen and sat next to him at the kitchen table. "So, 25 minutes right?" I asked. "Yep." He replied smiling. I nodded and took out my phone, 4 missed calls from Aundraya, 3 from Alex, and 5 from Damon. 'Uh, who died." I thought as I called Damon and sat my phone on speaker and setting it on the table. "Its about fucking time!" Damon half yelled into the phone. "Who died?" I asked sarcastically. "No one miss sassy pants, were all going out tonight and we're wondering if you wanted to go." He said sassily. I looked at Chris since it was a him and I day, he nodded and I smiled. "What time?" I asked. "Seven." He replied, I looked at the time '2:30' "ight I'll go." "Yay! We'll pick you up at Rick's house about 7:10, you now Alex." He said. "Okay, bye love you see you then." I said. "Love you too bye." And then I hung up. "is Damon gay?" Chris asked. "Yeah, why do you ask?" I then ask. "Well, I'm not one to stereotype but, I don't think straight boys would write about how nice Gerard Way's ass is, I mean I would write about how hot Ryan Gosling is so I mean I thought it could be his man crush but I was just wondering." I nodded and smiled, then we proceeded to rinse the dye out of my hair
Just as Ricky burst through the door with Jinxx. I walked over to them pulling him into a kiss and then petting jinxx. "What did you do to your hair?" Ricky asked. "Dyed it." I replied. "I like it." He said kissing my forehead. "Tank you, and I'm going out tonight with the squad." I told him, whilst putting my hair up in a messy bun. "I know, Alex called me and asked where you were." He said while smiling, "I'm actually here to pick you up and take you shopping." "Really, why?" I asked shocked. "Don't question me." He said kissing my nose. "Okay. Bye momma, bye Chrissy-poo!" I yelled. "Bye sweetie!" "Bye Freak-Show!" 'Ahh, the nicknames we give each other'.
"I like this one." Ricky said holding up a bra. "How about no." I said giggling. "Ugh, your no fun." he whined. "Poor you." I said in a sarcastic sympathetic voice. He replied by sticking his tounge out at me. "We need Halloween costumes and stuff." I said looking at the time on my phone '4:00'. I then spotted 'hottopic' "I know but first hottopic." Ricky said kissing my fore head and picking up our bags and putting them in our cart. We walked into hottopic and I got some shirts, leggings, braclets, and a couple beanies, and then headed to the costume store.
I love halloween, not only because it's Frank Iero and I's birthday, and candy, but because I get to dress up and scare the living shit out of people. "Look Ricky they have red contacts! We could be a badass vampire couple!?" I asked him. "Whatever you want babe." Ricky said grabing two sets of red contacts, professional face paint, and fake fangs. I walked over to costumes and grabbed a 'vampire couple' Costner pack. I went to walk back to Ricky but he wasn't there. "Ricky where are you?" I said walking through the isles, I spotted him by the front talking to someone, who he quickly ushered away when he saw me. "Hey babe, you ready." He asked nervously. "Yeah..." I answered trailing my words off. 'Is Ricky cheating on me?' I thought, but then quickly brushed it off. He nodded and we paid and then left.

The car ride was silent. Since we were about hour away from home and it was 5:00, I grabbed the aux cord and played 'Georgia by Tyler Carter' and hummed along quietly. Ricky was acting odd. I slid my hand on his which was resting on the center thingy, but he quickly jerked it away. I leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes, holing back tears. 'What the fuck is his problem.' I unplugged my phone which earned a glance from Ricky. I started a group chat between Alex, Damon, Aundraya, and I. 'Hey, can I text you guys when I'm home, and I can grab my stuff and get ready at your house, and possibly spend the night? Ricky is acting weird and I don't know if I can take it.' I said directed towards the twins 'yeah, aundraya you wanna spend the night too?' The twins asked 'Yeah' aundraya replied 'kk' twins replied. 'Alright, text you when I'm home.' 'Kk' they then all responded with. I then tested Chris 'hey Ricky's acting weird, m going to spend the night at Alex, and Damon's, if he asks you tell him, I don't want to talk to him.' 'Ok I'll pick you up in the morning then.' 'Alright thanks wuv you' 'wuv u 2'. Thank god for big brothers.
A soon as we got home I went upstairs to grab my bag and I quickly packed it, I had already tested them telling them to come get me soon. After I had everything I needed, I received a text 'were here.' And I quickly walked past Ricky who hadn't even walked in the door yet. "Where are you going?" He asked rudely, grabbing my wrist. I yanked it away "wouldn't you like to know." I practically yelled, he seemed shocked , I never got mad at anyone. I then headed to the car and got in, without looking at him.
Chris's pov
Angelo and I decided to head over to Ricky's to see what was wrong with him, since Lyric said he was acting weird.
We walked in to find him kissing his ex Rose!? "What the fuck Ricky!?" Angelo yelled. Ricky pulled away "it's not what it looks like please don't tell Lyric." He began begging. "If you think for a fucking second that I would lie to my own sister you are dead wrong!" I growled at him. And stormed out the door Angelo close behind we then got in the car and headed to Damon and Alex's house.

Lyric's Pov
"Lyric, it's Chris and Angelo." Damon said as he pulled on a blazer over his 'Nirvana' shirt. "Okay." I said walking downstairs to be greeted by a very pissed of Angelo and Chris, my smile dropped. "Ricky's cheating on you, I'm so sorry hun." Chris said pulling me into a hug. I burst into tears "am I not good enough?" I cried into his chest. "You're good enough I promise, he's just a dickhead." Chris said trying to console me. "We have an extra room if you want to stay here?" Alex said. I nodded and stood up. "Lets go get my stuff." I said, and Chris, Angelo,and I headed to Rickys house, according to Chris her car wasn't there, but Ricky's was.
"Lyric listen to me please." Ricky begged, as I began walking around the house and collecting all of my stuff and putting it into my duffel bag. "No." I said bluntly. "Please Lyric I love you." He said attempting to grab me but I quickly yanked away. After I had finished packing, I went over to jinxx who licked my face. "Okay buddy, I'm probably not going to see you ever again..."
Ricky's Pov
"Okay buddy, I'm probably not going to see you ever again, but just know, you're the best dog in the world." She said kissing the dog. I felt like I was hit by a semi-truck. "Oh, and I guess you cab have this, I have no use for it." She said taking off the necklace I gave her. "Maybe your new girlfriend will like it?" She snarled and began to walk out the door. "Lyric wait!" I yelled, tears sloping out of my eyes. "What!? What is it now huh!?" She yelled. "I-I she forced me, she was trying to return some of my stuff and then she started kissing me, and I would have pushed her away but, s-she doesn't like to be told no and I she would have told you that I didn't love you and but Lyric I do, I love you with all my black heart, I fucked up bad, and, and..." I broke down and lulled my knees to my chest. "Ricky..." she said sitting down beside me. "Stand up." She said sternly, I did. "Raise your right hand." I did. " repeat after me, I Richard Allen Olsen Swear that the statement I just made is 182 percent true, AND I'll get you the black kitten you saw in the pet store window." "I Richard Allen Olsen swear that the statement I just made is 182 percent true, AND I'll get you that black kitten you saw in the pet store window, AND I will never ever look, or touch another female again and if I do I give you full permission to rip out my throat and to also chop off my dick." I said being 182 percent serious about my words. She smiled and I pulled her into a hug. "I love you Lyric Midnight Cerulli." I said kissing her nose. "And I love you Richard Allen Olsen." She said then kissing my nose. "Wait aren't you going out with your squad." I asked. "Well, under these circumstances I believe that we should go get my stuff come back here and drop it off, then go get the kitten, and THEN Netflix and cuddles." She said giving me puppy dog eyes, I couldn't say no. "Okay, but first, we have to get snacks." She nodded and took out her phone.

Lyric's pov
"Hey guys, um can you drop off my stuff at Ricky and I's house, I'll explain when you get here." I asked "I knew you would cave, but yes." Damon said "Whats that supposed to mean?!" I asked louder. "You're too nice Lyric." "Am not." "Name one mean thing you've done." "Once, I stole Rickys bag of cookies and ate them, and I only gave him three." I said confidently. "There's a start a, but anyways yeah we'll drop it off in a bit." He said "Kk bye!" "Bye!"(end o call)
After they dropped my stuff off Ricky and I went to the store, the whole time we were in there he held my hand. "Um babe, not complaining but, why are you holding my hand? And what kind of ice cream do you want?" I asked. "Chocolate, and because Mr. Beanie over there is staring at you, and your mine." He said kissing me. "Okay, I love you." "I love you too."

"Ricky it's this one!" I squealed picking up the all black kitten and he started purring. "Okay lets go get all the stuff for it." He said grabbing a a cart and we got everything for him.
After we paid, Ricky asked "what's his name babe?" "Lucifer." "That's a good name." He said kissing me and then we drove home. And the rest of the night was filled with cuddles with Ricky Lucifer and Jinxx, junk food, and American Horror Story.

Hey guys so, their bands name is going to be 'Black Hearts' name by vandyjain123 , also sorry I haven't updated in a while.

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