Beauty Of Change

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A peaceful night morphs into a refreshing morning, but the beauty remains the same, as it is the constant of life.
Nothing can compare the beauty of dawn, beauty of change, beauty of the wanted darkness turning to the needed brightness.
Every being holds a world in their eyes. We are different and still the same.
As we attempt to achieve a goal through different paths, no one is wrong here, as we all want to transform ourselves just how the night goes and morning comes, just how the morning goes and the night comes.
It is the same cycle we go through everyday and still not get enough of, because everyday is different but still the same.
The strangeness of this world is what keeps us going on living our lives.
We wonder every second, every moment, still not getting answer to our puzzles.
And oneday, when we will finally get our closures, that will be the day of our greatest transformation.


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